Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Children in the children center observation Research Paper

Children in the children center observation - Research Paper Example She looks back and looks around at everyone present in the church. She looks at the ceiling and says â€Å"Its gotten higher.† 4:55- She jumps down from the bench and stands put her left palm on the side of the bench and looks back. She walks out of the pew and stands for sometime holding the side handles of the pew and looks at the gate of the church from where she had entered. 5:05- She looks at the hymn book placed on the bench and picks it up. G opens the book and says â€Å"what are all these?† She closes the hymn book and with her right forefinger tries to read â€Å"HYMN BOOK†. She says â€Å"H- Y-M –N-B-O-O-K† â€Å"What is it mommy?† G asks. 5:06- G puts it down and starts to look at the ceiling. â€Å"Mommy is Jesus here now?† â€Å"Where is he sitting?† She tries to look for â€Å"Jesus† in the church. She starts nodding her head when the choir sings. She stands up and nods her head to the left and right. 5:07- G bends down and gets out of the bench. G smiles â€Å"Look I am here now†Ã¢â‚¬  I am coming†. She walks to the mid of the church and stops at a painting hung on the walls. She looks at it minutely with both her hands on her hips. 5:12- G stands up again and walks towards the end of the church and stands near the statue of Mother Mary. She touches it and folds her hands and prays. She touches it again with her right palm and kisses her palm. 5:19- She finished collection of the 6th row and takes back the bag with her right hand. She puts her left hand underneath the bag and says †Its heavy† and walks towards the end of the hall. She smiles at the nun and hands over the bag. G is a 6 year old. She is wearing a mauve colour frock and pretty mauve shoes. G seems to know what happens in the church which shows that she must have come to church on several occasions. G seems enthusiastic since she wanted to sit in the first bench. G’s behaviour shows that she copies

Monday, October 28, 2019

How College Students Use Wikipedia for Course-Related Essay Example for Free

How College Students Use Wikipedia for Course-Related Essay Why then are academics so wary about the use of Wikipedia within universities? There are a number of related reasons. Before outlining them we should acknowledge that there may be differences according to academic discipline in attitudes towards Wikipedia. Speaking to academics from the natural and medical sciences over the last year, it seems that those subjects are less concerned with issues of originality of source than the arts and social sciences. It also may be [pic] and this is genuine speculation [pic] that academics in the English speaking world, where most of the academic controversy over Wikipedia use has been, are more sensitive to the source than in other parts of the world. These qualifications aside, there are definite reasons why Wikipedia use is, at the very least, contentious in universities. First, it is the product of anonymous individuals rather than known authorities, Wales is quite explicit on this: One of the fastest things we’re beginning to lose is the view of the world that there are a handful of thoughtful, intelligent people that should be broadcasting their views to everyone. And then the public is some sort of crazed rabble, easily swayed by rhetoric and so forth. Now we have to have a more nuanced understanding. Wikipedia is not necessarily anti-academic but it is anti-elitist as evidenced by the short shrift given to eminent academics in debates when they expected deference (see Keen 2007, 43[pic]4). Second, the non-proprietary nature of Wikipedia cuts against academic culture which valorises the rights of the author and publisher. Third, the anonymity of Wikipedia articles is alien to the cache of the named writer of the journal article or book. Fourth, the collaborative process challenges the norm of individual creation, prevalent in the arts and social sciences. Fifth, as intimated, Wikipedia departs from the standard mode of vetting by peer review. It is not true that articles are not reviewed. On the contrary, they are scrutinised by far more editors than for any journal. However, as the contributor is generally not an academic expert, so the reviewer is not generally an academic expert. So Wikipedia rejects academic custom in the compilation of knowledge. In addition, there are a number of what might be termed ‘learning and teaching’ issues pertaining to its use within universities. First, there is the issue of the accuracy of Teaching in Higher Education 651 Downloaded by [University of Glasgow] at 05:27 12 December 2012 Wikipedia entries, something that relates to the lack of formal expertise and peer review. Reviews of the accuracy of Wikipedia entries by formal expert(s) have actually been generally positive (for natural sciences see Giles 2005; American history Meier 2008). Despite this, the suspicion still surrounds Wikipedia that it cannot be trusted. O’Sullivan’s (2009, 119) assertion that ‘most people probably have an ambivalent attitude toward Wikipedia, thankful for its existence, using it frequently, but with reservations about its total reliability’ seems valid. Some academics would no doubt sympathise with the sardonic observation of comedian Frankie Boyle that Wikipedia entries should begin with ‘I reckon’. Second, some have questioned whether Wikipedia’s determination for studied neutrality is convincing. O’Sullivan (2010) complains that as Wikipedia only displays one voice, diversity is not incorporated and therefore articles become bland. Wales’s response is unapologetic: ‘Guilty as charged, we’re an encyclopedia’ (in Read 2006). Not that his approach to knowledge is without theory, it derives rather from his admiration for the convoluted ‘objectivist philosophy’ of Aryan Rand, the Russian e?migre? philosopher and novelist (Younkins 2007). A third learning and teaching concern is that, regardless of the reliability of Wikipedia, it is in itself an illegitimate form of research. Here the thinking would be that a student who culls Wikipedia for assignments does not understand scholarship. This consists of the consideration of various sources: a judicious sifting and ordering of knowledge, rather than lifting bite sized chunks of text that purport to capture a subject. On this Wales concurs, telling students: ‘For God sake, you’re in college; don’t cite the encyclopedia’ (in Young 2006). Some universities in the US have banned Wikipedia use, whilst others recommend a more discriminating approach (Jaschik 2007; Murley 2008). The latter is what Wales and others within Wikipedia advise: it should be used only as a starting place in academic research, a references source and a revision aid. What, however, is the evidence on Wikipedia use by students and academics at universities?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morisson :: Toni Morisson The Bluest Eye

Toni Morisson's novel The Bluest Eye is about the life of the Breedlove family who resides in Lorain, Ohio, in the late 1930s. This family consists of the mother Pauline, the father Cholly, the son Sammy, and the daughter Pecola. The novel's focal point is the daughter, an eleven-year-old Black girl who is trying to conquer a bout with self-hatred. Everyday she encounters racism, not just from white people, but mostly from her own race. In their eyes she is much too dark, and the darkness of her skin somehow implies that she is inferior, and according to everyone else, her skin makes her even "uglier." She feels she can overcome this battle of self-hatred by obtaining blue eyes, but not just any blue. She wants the bluest eye. Morrison is able to use her critical eye to reveal to the reader the evil that is caused by a society that is indoctrinated by the inherent goodness and beauty of whiteness and the ugliness of blackness. She uses many different writing tools to depict how "white" beliefs have dominated American and African American culture. The narrative structure of The Bluest Eye is important in revealing just how pervasive and destructive social racism is. Narration in novel comes from several sources. Much of the narration comes from Claudia MacTeer as a nine year old child, but Morrison also gives the reader the insight of Claudia reflecting on the story as an adult, some first person narration from Pecola's mother, and narration by Morrison herself as an omniscient narrator. Pecola's experiences would have less meaning coming from Pecola herself because a total and complete victim would be an unreliable narrator, unwilling or unable to relate the actual circumstances of that year. Claudia, from her youthful innocence, is able to see and relate how the other characters, especially Pecola, idolize the "ideal" of beauty presented by white, blue-eyed movie stars like little Shirley Temple. In addition to narrative structure, the structure and composition of the novel itself help to illustrate how much and for how long white ideas of family and home have been forced into black culture. Instead of conventional chapters and sections, The Bluest Eye is broken up into seasons, fall, winter, spring, and summer. This type of organization suggests that the events described in The Bluest Eye have occurred before, and will occur again. This kind of cycle suggests that there is notion that there is no escape from the cycle of life that Breedloves and MacTeer live in.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cartoon Violence, Has it gone too Far Essay -- essays papers

Cartoon Violence, Has it gone too Far Aggression. Killing. Revenge. Sound like the latest Scream movie or Keanu Reeves thriller? You may be surprised to hear that this describes the average Saturday morning cartoon. One of the most surprising facts is that the level of violence during Saturday morning cartoons is higher than the level of violence during prime time. There are 3 to 5 violent acts per hour in prime time, versus 20 to 25 acts per hour on Saturday morning (Gerbner,1). Violence on television in general is damaging to society. But the specific targeting of the younger population through the use of cartoons to show violence is destructive and in no way helping to profit the upcoming generation. Violence in cartoons is harmful to children in many ways. Desensitizing children, increasing aggressiveness, and increasing their fear of becoming victims in real life, are all accredited to violence on television. â€Å"Myriad studies show that television violence affect children by desensitizing children to the horror of violence, teaching them to accept violence as a solution to problems, teaching them to imitate the violence they see on the television and leading them to identify with characters seen on television (and thus imitate the characters they identify with) (Parenthood Web).† The amount of violence in television programming is obviously directly related to the amount of violence witnessed by children. The more of a role that television plays in the daily activities the more of a role violence will influence that child. In 1985 alone, 85% of all television programming contained violence, with 92.1% of cartoons aired containing violence. These cartoons generally contain one violent act every three minutes ... ... and go straight to fighting. Children are becoming more desensitized, more aggressive and more afraid with the huge influx of violence on the glowing television set in all of our homes. Clearly, the children watching television all over the world are learning to embrace violence, often the wrong solution to any problem. Violence in television should not be banned, however, the frequency of the violence in television shows, especially cartoons aimed at kids, should be cut down significantly. Bibliography: Work Cited 1. Chen, Walter., 2000. 2. Gerbner, George. 97vtch.htm, 1999. 3. Liebert and Sprafkin. Violence in the Media. New York: Basic Books, 1990. pages 115-120. 4. The Parenthood Web., 2001.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Invisible japanese gentlemen Essay

– A group of eight Japanese gentlemen: Most of them wore glasses and most of the time they were smiling. They talked in a not very understandable language. – A beautiful young lady: Blonde hair and pretty girl. She had thin features and a gorgeous face. She looked very sophisticated. – And her fiancà ©: He looked very handsome too. He was very similar to her fiancà ©, he looked from the high socialite. – The Narrator: Physically he is in the setting of the story. The author of this short story made a wonderful description of each of the characters. Physically he is in the setting of the story, sitting in a different table, worried about this particular couple which called him attention. He is looking both tables but he really got interested with the one where the couple was sitting. The observations that are made by the author of the story makes us, as readers more conscious about what is going on with the couple. We can identify their worries, especially the ones of the girl, about her future as a writer and also her concerns about the wedding and their future as a couple. The narrator is sitting at a table, alone, and observes a group of eight Japanese gentlemen having dinner together, and beyond them a young British couple. The Japanese speak q uietly and politely to each other, always smiling and bowing, toasting each other and making speeches in Japanese which the narrator doesn’t understand and describes in patronizing, derogatory terms. Seven of the Japanese gentlemen wear glasses. They eat fish and later a fruit salad for dessert. The Japanese Gentlemen are in the beginning a distractor but then we can realized that are fundamental in this short story. They try to show us an important characteristic of the girl ´s personality. Even though at the beginning of the story she seemed intelligent and a good writer, afterwards we can say that she is not a good writer because she is not a good observer. She is just a girl who is worried about her future and her career but she does not seem like a real writer because she does not have the power to look beyond things. That is why the story is called â€Å"The invisible Japanese Gentlemen† because through her eyes Japanese Gentlemen were nobody they were almost invisible. She was so concerned about her own superficial worries that she left the restaurant and she did not have a look at them. Although they sit farthest away, the narrator catches their conversation. The pretty young woman is a writer The female protagonist is a young woman who has just written her first novel. She is very ambitious and is always trying to please her publisher called Mr. Dwight. In order to be successful she changes the title of her book in accordance to her publisher`s wishes. She probably belongs to the upper classes which becomes obvious in the way she speaks. She is very self- centered, talking all the time about her problems without listening to her fiancà ©e. She is oblivious to his feelings. She has no doubts about her success in the future. Her fiancà © is a wine-merchant who has been offered a well- paid job by his uncle. He only listens to his fiancà ©e and doesn`t mention his own plans and wishes. It becomes obvious that he isn`t sure about marrying her. He is dissatisfied with his situation. He is more cautious about the future. He is a realist maybe, but his fiancà © is not. Writer is both jealous of the girl, because she is at the beginning of s omething and still has the ability to dream her future, and sympathetic, because she’s young enough to be his daughter and he would like to communicate his experience to her so as to preserve her from disappointments .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5 Great Tips for Business Writing - Proofeds Writing Tips

5 Great Tips for Business Writing - Proofeds Writing Tips 5 Great Tips for Business Writing Business writing includes everything from dry internal reports to snazzy website copy. But while different situations call for different writing styles, we have a few tips that apply to any type of business writing. Check them out below to find out how they could benefit your company! 1. Tailor Writing to an Audience As mentioned above, business writing is a broad category. This means you should always write for a specific audience. So whether it is a technical report for those in the know or a light-hearted press release for the public, think about who you are writing for and adapt the tone and language to suit. 2. Beware Buzzwords and Jargon Business buzzwords and jargon are not necessarily bad. Sometimes you need to use technical language to communicate something complicated. But take care not to go too far! Packing your writing with jargon will make it difficult to read, especially if you aren’t writing for a specialist audience. And buzzwords can be alienating. It is far better to keep things simple by using everyday language wherever possible. And if you need to use jargon, explain exactly what it means when you introduce the term. 3. Help Your Reader Find Key Details Life is busy. And sometimes that means you don’t have time to read the small print. If you want to make sure your readers don’t miss important information, then, you have to make it easy for them. If you are writing for an internal audience, you may want to include an executive summary. This lets you summarize key details in an easy-to-read fashion, while giving full information in the rest of the document. If writing for a wider audience, use formatting (e.g., bold or italics) and headings to help your readers find the most important information even while skim reading. 4. Keep It Short Write concisely wherever possible. After all, if time is money in the business world, you can’t assume everyone will read the entire 283-page report you sent. So keep it short where you can. If you are writing a longer document, though, always give the main points first. This will ensure that even busy readers see what you need them to. 5. Always Proofread! This is quite possibly the most important tip of all. And we’re not just saying that because we offer an outstanding business proofreading service. Whether or not you choose to work with us (you should), checking your business writing for errors is essential all of the time. Errors in business writing will give a bad impression to customers, clients, and colleagues alike. They can even cost a lot of money if you’re unlucky! And this makes proofreading worth the effort.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How is tension created and sustained in The Monkeys Paw Essay Example

How is tension created and sustained in The Monkeys Paw Essay Example How is tension created and sustained in The Monkeys Paw Paper How is tension created and sustained in The Monkeys Paw Paper Essay Topic: Literature The Monkeys Paw is a short, horror story written by WW Jacobs. It was written and set in the 19th century in a time where there was almost an obsession with the gothic, Victoria genre. Jacobs uses a range of techniques which create and add tension of the audience. The setting, structure, genre, characters, language and atmosphere all contribute to the ascending build up of tension throughout the story. The setting of the story is typical of the time in which it was set. There are many clues given by the author, which help us to distinguish the time period in which the play was set. Items such as the china candlestick and the fire would not be used commonly today because of the introduction of electrical heaters etc. Furthermore, when Mr white says: A rat. It passed me on the stairs, we find it difficult to comprehend this. This is because we would find a rat scuttling around in our houses today extremely peculiar and probably unbelievable whereas Mr and Mrs White do not seem to make much of a fuss about it because it may have been normal in that time. The rat may have been common then, in a time where plague and diseases were very active. This all contributes towards the spooky/horror theme of the story which creates a feeling amongst the audience that they expect something to happen. The setting/atmosphere created in the story is very carefully thought out by the author. It starts with the father and son playing chess together, indicating that they have a close relationship and the family is close-knit. The family are in the warmth of their cosy home, at least the author gives this impression to us anyway, the fire burned brightly. Father and son were at chess. This image given to us by the author is very ironic because they may seem safe at the moment but later on we come to find out that they are far from it and are in fact extremely insecure. The weather is described to us as being, cold and wet, which has depressing, gloomy connotations which is therefore in complete contrast to the atmosphere inside. This signals a change in the plot, and the with the cold, wet weather, the author is almost hinting to use that something negative is going to happen in the story. Therefore, the reader is encouraged to read on because of the tension that has been created. However, the weather outside also reflects the mood of Mr. White who is upset after losing the chess match, so therefore it is pathetic fallacy, which in turn creates an eerie mood. Another significant factor in the setting of the story is Sergeant-Major Morriss introduction of India. Since India is a foreign country, the audience may not be so familiar with it. Therefore, they would not be too sure what to expect of the monkeys paw in terms of its powers and therefore mystery is created. This leads to the curiosity of the reader, creating tension as the reader gets eager and wants to know what will happen. The family live in a villa, away from everything, which gives us the impression they are isolated; Mr White says, Thats the worst of living so far out .. Only two houses in the road are let. This tells us that they live in a very secluded area, away from a town or city. By situating the family in this area, the author is hinting to us that something bad is going to happen because the thought of them with nobody else to help them if something goes wrong makes them seem vulnerable to us. Furthermore, Mr White saying to us that only two houses in the road are let enhances the idea that they are isolated because that means only two of the other houses are occupied. Sergeant-Major Morris is an extremely mysterious character. We seem to imagine him as a gigantic, mean, imposing, muscular man when hearing of his arrival because of the heavy footsteps, which he makes as described so by the author. His arrival is somewhat sprung on use and we do not get to know much about him until he starts conversing with the Mr White and family about the paw. Therefore he is almost like an unknown character to us. Once Mr White mentions the Monkeys Paw, he seems eager to change the subject: Nothing said the soldier hastily. This tells us that he was not keen to disclose information about the Monkeys Paw and was clearly hiding some details at the beginning. Once he realises the others are interested in the paw, he tries to play down its powers: its just an ordinary little paw dried to a little mummy. The reason for him acting this way is not clear to us at first but later on we get to know that the reason for this is because he has bad experiences with it. We know this because of his reaction when being asked is he had used his three wishes, his blotchy face whitened. This indicates that he has had some bad encounters with the paw because ones face usually whitens when feeling sick, shocked or frightened. However, he does warn the Whites about its powers, it has caused enough mischief already, although he prevents himself from revealing the full details of these events for some reason. It is also ironic that he says to the Whites, dont blame me for what happens, and but I warn you of the consequences, because although there are plenty of strong warnings, the Whites seem disinterested but in the end they pay for this i. e. Herberts death. On the whole, Sergeant-major is a mysterious character of whom we know little of. He seems to be hiding something about his experiences with the Paw. His character creates an eagerness in the audience resulting in tension. Another character who contributes to the tension created in the story is Mrs White. From what she says (her speech), we get to know that she is quite suspicious: He dont look to have taken much harm, is what she says when responding to something the sergeant said. This tells us she is not scared to point something out, and is prepared for an argument if she does not agree with somebody. It also tells us that she may know something about the sergeant that we do not. Similarly, she is very curious about the monkeys paw and is surprised upon hearing of its powers, Sounds like Arabian nights, she says. Here, she is mocking the sergeant major, making a mockery of a highly respected figure. It also tells us that she is a very curious person. This suspicious, curious attitude of hers adds to the tension. However, Mrs Whites attitude to the paw very much changes towards the end of the story. After learning about the death of her son, Herbert, she wants to bring him back by using the powers of the paw. This is in high contrast to her attitude at the beginning when she thought it was just a toy. She urges her husband to wish for Herbert back using the paw: Wish she cried in a strong voice. This tells us of her eagerness to bring Herbert back, indicating she loves her son very much. During the climax, the language devices and style used by the author are all very interesting, and were all created in order to create a rush of tension at the end. The sentences used at this point in the story are shorter ones in comparison to the more complex and compound sentences used beforehand. Sentences such as, His wife sat up in bed listening, Let go and I must open the door are use by the author in order to increase the pace of the story and to create anxiety amongst the audience. The sentences are short in order to delay the point of climax, so that the audience find the ending of a better quality. There are also short bursts of action at this point in the story to get the reader excited about what will happen, and frantically breathed his third and last wish. This is probably the part of the play where the tension is at its highest because the audience are holding their breath as to what it going to happen. The adverbs used by the author help to create this tension because words such as frantically, hoarsely and appealingly give us an insight to the actual feelings of the characters. This helps us because then we can relate to the characters. In conclusion, I can say that in the monkeys paw the author uses a variety of methods to create tension. These include characters, setting, structure, language and style. Overall, I would say that Sergeant-Major Morris is the person who contributes to providing the most amount of tension in the play. His mysteriousness and whole demeanour just makes the audience think that something bad is going to happen in the play because of him. I also think that the climax used by WW Jacobs was a very clever way to build up a lot of tension.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Video Game Killers

Video Game Killers In John Leo’s essay â€Å"When Life Imitates Video,† he describes how violent video games affect children’s views on killing. Leo also points out how these types of games desensitize children and make it easier for them to kill. According to John Leo, â€Å"We are now a society in which the chief form of play for millions of youngsters is making large numbers of people die †(360). Millions of children are addicted to playing violent video games. Children know the difference between reality and fantasy; however there are a few unstable children who get a hold of these violent video games. It is the neglected, beaten, picked on and made fun of children who begin to imagine these violent games as more than they really are(360). â€Å"Adolescent feelings of resentment, powerlessness, and revenge poor into the killing games. In these children, the games can become a dress rehearsal for the real thing †(360). Leo cites psychologist David Grossman of Arkansas State University, a retired Army officer, to help support his views on violent video games. â€Å"During World War II only 15 to 20 percent of all American soldiers fired their weapons in battle. Shooting games in which the target is a man-shaped outline, the Army found, made recruits more willing to make killing a reflex action†(360). Leo notes that the United States Marine Corps is using a version of the game Doom as a simulator, and a game played by one of the boys involved in the Littleton, Colorado massacres(360). Dylan Kleybold and Eric Harris also played another game called Postal. The boys laughed and shouted with each kill as if they were sitting at home, on the couch playing one of these morbid video games(359). â€Å"And they ended their spree by shooting themselves in the head, the final scene of the game Postal, and, in fact, the only way to end it†(359). Grossman states â€Å"pilots train on flight simul ators,... Free Essays on Video Game Killers Free Essays on Video Game Killers Video Game Killers In John Leo’s essay â€Å"When Life Imitates Video,† he describes how violent video games affect children’s views on killing. Leo also points out how these types of games desensitize children and make it easier for them to kill. According to John Leo, â€Å"We are now a society in which the chief form of play for millions of youngsters is making large numbers of people die †(360). Millions of children are addicted to playing violent video games. Children know the difference between reality and fantasy; however there are a few unstable children who get a hold of these violent video games. It is the neglected, beaten, picked on and made fun of children who begin to imagine these violent games as more than they really are(360). â€Å"Adolescent feelings of resentment, powerlessness, and revenge poor into the killing games. In these children, the games can become a dress rehearsal for the real thing †(360). Leo cites psychologist David Grossman of Arkansas State University, a retired Army officer, to help support his views on violent video games. â€Å"During World War II only 15 to 20 percent of all American soldiers fired their weapons in battle. Shooting games in which the target is a man-shaped outline, the Army found, made recruits more willing to make killing a reflex action†(360). Leo notes that the United States Marine Corps is using a version of the game Doom as a simulator, and a game played by one of the boys involved in the Littleton, Colorado massacres(360). Dylan Kleybold and Eric Harris also played another game called Postal. The boys laughed and shouted with each kill as if they were sitting at home, on the couch playing one of these morbid video games(359). â€Å"And they ended their spree by shooting themselves in the head, the final scene of the game Postal, and, in fact, the only way to end it†(359). Grossman states â€Å"pilots train on flight simul ators,...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bussiness essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bussiness - Essay Example Chuodhury & Galeta (1998) provided seven goals for achieving competitive advantage. A great example of a company that has managed to sustain competitive advantage in while using the seven goals framework is Google, the search engine. There are quite a number of search engines to date yet Google has managed to stand out as the best. It successfully managed to hold off at least for a significant amount of time the entry of other search entries into the market. Which is often the quickest way to achieve competitive advantage, ensure uniqueness of a brand and hold off competition long enough to establish and renew a company. 2. Considering that Google was among the first search engines to effectively exist, it has established a reliable customer base which is yet another way to achieve competitive advantage. It has also managed to change appropriately to cater to the customers’ needs and wants. Google has further made an attempt to always offer more services and products like new web applications and recently advertising services. Despite the numerous entries into e-commerce and the numerous entries into similar businesses it is still highly possible for companies to achieve competitive advantage. Creating a unique niche is always the fastest way to do so yet upon the availability of similar fields within a certain niche use of strategy will ensure acquisition of competitive advantage as

Friday, October 18, 2019

How the Death Penalty Effects Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

How the Death Penalty Effects Family - Essay Example It is at this point that family members become devastated, hopeless, and left with the feeling of not being in a position of control to eradicate the sentence. Generally speaking when there is a death involved, the people that stay behind are the ones that suffer and morn. They are the ones that maintain the sense of, if I could have done more and what if? They are the ones that need professional help during the justice process, in this case, during the time of sentencing, and after the criminal’s departure. It is an even more a complex situation when inmates are innocent and placed on death row. In some cases they have been placed on death row and because their lawyers could not find the way to defend them or because of a lack of economy, they were put to death. It is even more detrimental when the family members of the convicted have to turn him/her in, to the authorities and when the family members are misled by the authorities in giving information on how the trial will be handled. This is the case of the Unabomber family members. They were told that Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, would be treated from a humanistic point of view since he suffered schizophrenia, a mental illness. It was handled in this way only until his arrest. When he was arrested all officials looking into the case and wanted a person identified of these actions arrested, changed their modus operandi. They were no longer the humanistic types of persons who proceeded with the case. The focus of the Justice Department was refocused, â€Å"†¦on the goal of taking a human life† (Kaczynski, 2007). Ted ´s family questioned the prosecutors ´ in change of continuing the case, given another set of rules. They were overwhelmed about this turn around. Kaczynski (2007) thought of the ramifications of this change of thought from the Prosecutors ´ office and how this would discourage other families in following Ted’s family example

Hereditary Disorders in Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hereditary Disorders in Children - Essay Example Hereditary defects are one of the leading cause of death in children—â€Å"causing 1 in 5 deaths in babies through 12 months of age and as many as 40% of deaths in children through the age of 10 years. Hereditary disorders are also a significant cause of childhood morbidity and long-term disability. Children with hereditary disorders often require care that is expensive and highly specialized. Hereditary disorders often impact family dynamics resulting in additional financial pressures, marital discord, and concerns about the needs of siblings. There is very little that can be done to mitigate the cause of hereditary disorders, although non-genetic birth defects they can be competently managed through public health efforts, such as promoting folic acid intake to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, etc† ( Genetic disorders can occur in males and females of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. It causes different types of birth defects, as well as developmental disabilities. To take a particular example, Down syndrome occurs in about 1 in 800 people. There is wide variation in the mental abilities of children with Down syndrome. Most have developmental delays. They usually learn at a slower pace, but do not lose skills once they are acquired. They may â€Å"also have trouble with judgment and reasoning. The degree of mental impairment is usually in the mild to moderate range. Emotional problems such as behavior issues or depression may occur in childhood. Common facial features include upward slanting eyes with epicanthal folds (skin over the inside corner of the eye), a small mouth, and a flat nasal bridge. Children with Down syndrome are often shorter than average, and prone to extra weight gain. Babies may seem â€Å"floppy† due to low muscle tone (hypotonia).† (www.lpc But all is not lost for parents of children with Down syndrome and other genetic disorders. Down syndrome cannot be cured, but some symptoms can be

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Andrew Jackson was called the People's President Essay

Andrew Jackson was called the People's President - Essay Example Jackson is by no means an easy person to understand and was a man of complexity and contradiction. He was considered both a true patriot and a traitor. Contradictions raged in every aspect of his life, although he was an eloquent writer, he could not spell and had poor sentence composition. While he was an excellent general, he knew little about war and while he had a strong passion for discipline, he had no hesitation when it came to disobeying his own superiors . Consequently, concise definitions of his character are difficult to obtain, with many different, often opposite personality traits being attributed to him. It is likely that this complexity in personality drove many of the political decisions he made. One personality trait however that is not ambiguous is that he was a strong and decisive man, making his own decisions rather than letting other people influence him. For example, on his death Jackson commented on having only two regrets One way in which Jackson worked strong ly for the people was through the struggle for the National Bank. Jackson worked hard to rescind the charter of the federal bank, believing that the bank allowed for too much control to be placed in the hands of the elites, created the potential for the government to be controlled offshore interests as well as serving only to make the rich richer and having little benefit for the poor. In this venture, Jackson was indeed fighting for the rights of the people. However, one cannot consider that Jackson was always the ‘People’s President’ or that if he was, then it depends on which people are being referred to. Certainly, the Native Americans suffered significantly during his terms as President. One of the first actions that Jackson made as President was the creation of the Removal Act, which was passed in 1830. This act gave the legal ability for the forcible removal of Native Americans from much of their land east of the Mississippi River, relocating them to an al ternative territory to the west. Even prior to his presidency, the idea of obtaining Native American land was a focus for Jackson. As a politician, Jackson mostly represented the economic interests of the South, and consequently had a large involvement in the process of Native American removal . This act is often considered an abuse of power, as it drove the Native Americans from the land of their heritage where they had strong spiritual ties. In addition, the move went directly against promises that had been made to the Native Americans in the past . Another important issue that occurred during the time of Jackson’s presidency was that of the Nullification Crisis. High tariffs were in place on many manufactured goods imported from Europe. This significantly raised the price of these goods, which had an overwhelming negative effect on planters in the South. Critics argued that the tariffs cost the southern farmers, while providing significant benefits to industrialists in the north. Jackson had built his early political history on supporting the southern economy and was reported to be sympathetic towards the south. Nevertheless, he chose to instead support the laws of the Union, attempting to pass a Force Bill, which would enable him to use

MGMT436 U4 DB1 External Consultant Research Paper

MGMT436 U4 DB1 External Consultant - Research Paper Example Timeliness, cost and quality of services causes complaints. Thirdly, glowing internal expenses and cost of services are growing every year due management of global operations managements (Hughes, 1990). The internal consulting team finds what is lacking by analyzing and surveying the mentioned problems. Considerable persistence was taken to get the results. The following changes were made to create a correct structure. The task was restructured and done correctly by identifying loopholes in the functional setup. The ‘functional’ setup was slow since it lacked compliance. The task is made customer focused by restructuring towards geographic groups. The change factors that were addressed shows successfully that particular jobs were readjusted to conform with the job enrichment tenets, which have a complete customer focus rather than focusing on the functional expertise. The approach still calls for more improvements. Measurements were instituted to help focus on the productivity improving and quality. Though it worked well, there are still personnel problems and a slow corporation. The following factors need more attentions than the others. Despite the changes and the suggestions, the following factors need to be worked upon. They are, curbing the ever rising expenses, dealing with low cooperation from employees and, handling the personal problems of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Andrew Jackson was called the People's President Essay

Andrew Jackson was called the People's President - Essay Example Jackson is by no means an easy person to understand and was a man of complexity and contradiction. He was considered both a true patriot and a traitor. Contradictions raged in every aspect of his life, although he was an eloquent writer, he could not spell and had poor sentence composition. While he was an excellent general, he knew little about war and while he had a strong passion for discipline, he had no hesitation when it came to disobeying his own superiors . Consequently, concise definitions of his character are difficult to obtain, with many different, often opposite personality traits being attributed to him. It is likely that this complexity in personality drove many of the political decisions he made. One personality trait however that is not ambiguous is that he was a strong and decisive man, making his own decisions rather than letting other people influence him. For example, on his death Jackson commented on having only two regrets One way in which Jackson worked strong ly for the people was through the struggle for the National Bank. Jackson worked hard to rescind the charter of the federal bank, believing that the bank allowed for too much control to be placed in the hands of the elites, created the potential for the government to be controlled offshore interests as well as serving only to make the rich richer and having little benefit for the poor. In this venture, Jackson was indeed fighting for the rights of the people. However, one cannot consider that Jackson was always the ‘People’s President’ or that if he was, then it depends on which people are being referred to. Certainly, the Native Americans suffered significantly during his terms as President. One of the first actions that Jackson made as President was the creation of the Removal Act, which was passed in 1830. This act gave the legal ability for the forcible removal of Native Americans from much of their land east of the Mississippi River, relocating them to an al ternative territory to the west. Even prior to his presidency, the idea of obtaining Native American land was a focus for Jackson. As a politician, Jackson mostly represented the economic interests of the South, and consequently had a large involvement in the process of Native American removal . This act is often considered an abuse of power, as it drove the Native Americans from the land of their heritage where they had strong spiritual ties. In addition, the move went directly against promises that had been made to the Native Americans in the past . Another important issue that occurred during the time of Jackson’s presidency was that of the Nullification Crisis. High tariffs were in place on many manufactured goods imported from Europe. This significantly raised the price of these goods, which had an overwhelming negative effect on planters in the South. Critics argued that the tariffs cost the southern farmers, while providing significant benefits to industrialists in the north. Jackson had built his early political history on supporting the southern economy and was reported to be sympathetic towards the south. Nevertheless, he chose to instead support the laws of the Union, attempting to pass a Force Bill, which would enable him to use

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Business Financial Metrics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Financial Metrics - Essay Example Company managers, investors and government regulators utilize various metrics and ratios to analyze company financial statements such as income statements and balance sheets so as to determine the fiscal viability of the organization in the short and long term. This paper will examine some of the ratios and metrics utilized by various stakeholders to appraise different financial statements, examining how various stakeholders can successfully employ the metrics and ratios in their decision making. The examination of balance sheets entails the use of financial ratios as the primary metrics. These ratios include the quick ratio, leverage or debt-to-worth ration and current ratio. The current ratio, which is also referred to as the liquidity ratio, measures the liquidity or solvency of an entity (Higgins, 2009). This metric offers investors a measure of the business’ capacity to pay its current liabilities using its current assets. Investors typically use this information to decid e whether or not to invest in a business. A high current ratio means the company has vast capabilities to pay its short-term debts using short-term cash. Investors and company managers seek a current ratio that is above 1.0 since this indicates a company’s competence to repay all its current liabilities. Secondly, quick ratio is also a measure of liquidity, which eliminates certain minimally liquid assets from the current ratio equation. Company managers, government regulators and investors utilize quick ratio to analyze a company’s financial strength (Shapiro & Balbirer, 2000). Company managers, investors and business managers use this information to determine a company’s overall capacity to repay its current liabilities, which influences its long term viability. On the other hand, the leverage ratio or debt-to-equity or debt-to-worth ratio provides investors a viable signal of a business’ leverage. When this ratio is high, it means a company’s as sets exceed its stock equity, which indicates that the company has more debt than equity. Leverage ratios of 2:1 or lower mean that liabilities are double the amount of shareholder’s equity. Ratios above 2:1 indicate that a business may be unable to pay its creditors or acquire supplementary long-term funding (Higgins, 2009). Government regulators use leverage ratios to determine whether or not companies can legally file for bankruptcy. Investors use the ratios for control purposes such as deciding either to invest or pull out their investments in a company (Harrington, 2003). The ratios allow current and prospective investors to examine how managers acquire and make use of company resources in their control, thereby influencing investment decisions with a view to deterring the incidence of financial loss. Through the ratios, company managers gain knowledge of the successfulness of the business’ past and present strategies and how to enhance their future viability. Rat ios also enable managers to highlight and exact deviations from optimal performance levels thus allowing organizations to steer their decision making and processes towards the attainment of such optimal performance. Various stakeholders use different ratios and metrics to analyze income statements. For instance, earnings per share ratios tell government analysts and investors the amount of money available to shareholders

Renewable Sources Of Energy Essay Example for Free

Renewable Sources Of Energy Essay During the 1970s, energy conservation was a popular idea—the energy â€Å"crisis† forced governments to encourage the public to use energy wisely, to become less wasteful and to think about energy consumption. Government programs emerged, research into alternative energy sources was financed and individuals tried to make a difference. This will look at the advantages of renewable energies rather than what has been submitted so far. Introduction The utilization of renewable energy is no longer new to man because a century ago, wood already supplied more than 90 percent of man’s energy needs. However, because of the convenience and low prices of fossil fuels, the use of wood no longer became popular. The consumption from these sources summed up to . 8 quads (quadrillion Btu) in 2007, or about 7 percent of the total energy utilized nationwide. Somehow though, with the immediate crisis over, (even though longer term crises, such as global warming, were becoming more apparent) all that changed in the 1980s. Government spending on alternative energy was slowly eroded, conservation programs started to drop out of sight and, at the same time, spending on massive oil development projects continued to grow. As the 1970s â€Å"crisis† showed, energy consumption is directly related to perceived energy availability and relatively low costs. As long as people believe that they have an endless supply, and as long as they ignore the environment when counting the cost of that energy supply, people are living (albeit comfortably) under a delusion—a delusion that is the direct cause of major environment degradation. Energy Options It is said that more than half of the renewable energy goes to producing electricity. The next one that is used after this is the production of heat and steam that originated for industrial purposes. Therefore, there are also some kinds of renewable fuels that are also used in transportation. When renewable energy is used, the consequence is a reduction on the demand for fossil fuels. It is a fact that unlike the fossil fuels, the non-biomass forms of renewable sources such as geothermal, wind, solar and hydropower do not directly emit greenhouse gases. The production and use of renewable fuels has increasingly been more of use in the past years because of the higher prices for oil and natural gas. There are also several incentives from the State and Federal Government such as the Energy Policy Acts of 2002 and 2005. Thus, the use of the renewable fuels is likely to grow in the next few years, even as people rely on the non-renewable fuels in order to meet most of the energy needs. Renewable energy At present, only a small proportion of the worlds energy needs come from alternative and renewable energy sources. These exist in many forms including Solar Thermal, Photovoltaics, Wind, Hydro, Tidal/Wave and Bioenergy (including Biomass, Biogas and Biofuels). As with fossil fuels the suns energy is the ultimate source of these energies. The dominant presence of non-renewable forms of energy generation, production, and promotion are very disappointing. With the increasing depletion of our non-renewable resources, as well as the growing human population, our levels of consumption, and the pollution that accompanies our increased industrialization, the continuing expansion of our fossil-fuel based economy will ultimately lead us to self destruction (Brown). Utilities and independent power producers are researching ways to expand the use of renewable resources. The two most important benefits of renewable resources are their long-term availability and non-association with global climate change and minimal atmospheric impact (PSC, n. p. ). Energy from the weather is free from nature. If we are able to harness it in increasing quantities to help contribute to the worlds energy needs we can help the environment. One major advantage with the use of renewable energy is sustainable and thus, will never run out. Even more importantly, renewable energy produces little or no waste products such as carbon dioxide or other chemical pollutants. Renewable energy projects can also bring economic benefits to many regional areas, as most projects are located away from large urban centers and suburbs of the capital cities. These economic benefits may be from the increased use of local services as well as tourism (Solarschools. net, n. p. ). The advantages of renewable resources include: Low or no fuel cost (except for some biomass); short lead-times for planning and construction; small, modular plant sizes; reduced environmental effects compared to fossil fuels; non-depletable resource base; potentially more job intensive; favorable public opinion; and distributed generation potential. The implementation of technology to utilize these renewable resources efficiently and their consumption will accomplish three goals critical to human societies achieving sustainability. First, their use will result in the reduction of polluting emissions into the atmosphere, thus improving air quality and limiting the greenhouse effect. Furthermore, the increased use of renewable resources will lessen the overall amount of environmental degradation attributed to the use of nonrenewable resources. Lastly, the use of potential energy sources aids in achieving a sustainable lifestyle because of their long-term usability. Their use adopts a philosophy of utilizing the resources sustained within natural systems rather than consuming those that take thousands of lifetimes to regenerate (Armstrong). The primary long-term benefit of renewable technologies is that once a renewable project has been constructed, and fully depredated, it becomes a permanent and low cost component of a country’s energy system. In effect, the construction of a renewable energy project provides future generations a low cost, energy facility that produces power with little or no environmental degradation (Armstrong). Africa today continues to perform consistently and positively in terms of its economic growth rates. There are reports that the energy supply is now hampering the overall growth prospects of the continent. But what is positive here is the fact that Africa possesses vast renewable and non-renewable energy resources that are unexploited. Evidence of this is the fact that only 7 percent of hydroelectricity and less than 1 percent of the potentials in geothermal energy has been exploited. Thus, the energy challenge can be given solutions because of the available renewable energy resources in Africa. Some questions that need to be addressed along these lines are on the emerging renewable energy market in Africa as well as the effectivity of cost on the renewable energy technologies. It is said that this renewable energy will already be able to meet at least half of Southern Africa’s energy needs at a lower cost than the current ‘business as usual,’ Thus, this will be an combination of coal-based supply options. ’ (Socioligo’s Africa). According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States will bury or burn the following materials in the following years: 11. 4 million tons of newsprint, 16. 2 million tons of corrugated cardboard, 10. 8 million tons of glass packaging, 8. 2 million tons of plastic packaging, and 1. 5 million tons of aluminum packaging. If those 48. 1 million tons were recycled instead, the equivalent of 10. 1 billion gallons of gasoline would be saved. That is enough gasoline to power 15. 4 million cars for one year (at 18 mpg and 12,000 miles driven per year). Additionally, the use of recycled materials results in the reduction of water use, water pollution, air pollution, and energy consumption. The federal and state governments can have significant influence on the attractiveness of renewable resources by providing tax advantages for owners of renewable systems (U. S. Environmental Protection Agency). Another company has taken the issue on renewable fuel more seriously. Google has announced that it is poised to develop electricity from the renewable energy sources that will be cheaper than the one that comes from coal. This move known as REC, will focus initially on advanced solar thermal power, wind power technologies, enhanced geothermal systems and other potential breakthrough technologies (Google’s Goal: Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal, 2007). This will examine the enhanced geothermal systems and other areas. In fact Google is already reaching out to more researches on renewable energy. If Google can do this, then other industries can also follow. For instance, it is worth considering the solar thermal technology which already gives a way by which renewable energy can be cost-competitive (Google’s Goal: Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal, 2007). Conclusion Energy efficiency, using renewable resources and finding alternative fuels should be the prime agenda of the government, and not the destruction of wilderness for short-term economic gain. This project would provide the long-term solution for the nation’s oil dependence and its economic deficit from oil imports. This would also mitigate countless other environmental problems brought about by the country’s excessive oil use. Money to be spent on extracting a few months worth of oil would be much more beneficial in funding the development of using renewable resources such as hydrogen and biomass. Recommendations The use of renewable resources must be pursued and developed because in doing so, we are helping to create a sustainable environment that will benefit us now and in the future. Using proper management, renewable resources can last indefinitely. It is worthwhile to mention that the state and government incentives evolve from non-renewables to renewable and thus have become economically comparable in terms of price to the current conventional energy sources. APPENDIX I The Role of Renewable Energy Consumption in the Nations Energy Supply, 2007 Source: http://www. eia. doe. gov/kids/energyfacts/sources/renewable/renewable. html REFERENCES Armstrong, J. Renewable Energy. The Renewable Energy Policy Manual. OAS. Retrieved Jan. 31, 2009 at: http://www. oas. org/usde/publications/Unit/oea79e/ch05. htm Brown, T. Renewable Resources for the 21st Century†. Retrieved Jan. 31, 2009 at: http://www. arch. wsu. edu/gg/rr-tb. html Google’s Goal: Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal. (2007). http://www. rushprnews. com/2007/11/27/googles-goal-renewable-energy-cheaper-than-coal/ Renewable Energy Resources. Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. Retrieved Jan. 31, 2009 http://psc. wi. gov/consumer/electric/cnstrenv/renewabl. pdf#search=advantages%20renewable%20resources Renewable Energy. Retrieved January 31, 2009 at: http://www. eia. doe. gov/kids/energyfacts/sources/renewable/renewable. html Socioligo’s Africa. Retrieved January 31, 2009 at: http://sociolingo. wordpress. com/category/environment/african-environment/african-power-generation/african-renewable-energy/ Solarschools. net. Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy. Grassroots Marketing Alliance. 2003. Retrieved Jan. 31, 2009 at: http://www. solarschools. net/ed_resources/renewablecompare. aspx The Living Environment. Retrieved Jan. 31, 2009 at: http://www. project2061. org/publications/sfaa/online/chap5. htm U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Renewable Resources. Retrieved Jan. 31, 2009 at: http://www. commerce. state. il. us/com/recycling/pdf/06_5naturalresources. pdf#search=advantages%20renewable%20resources

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Deming Theory Of Management Information Technology Essay

The Deming Theory Of Management Information Technology Essay Quality became an important business issue due to the increase in competitiveness in world markets. The total quality management approach introduced by W. Edwards Deming used by several organizations in the world to improve their operations and the processes used in all functional areas of their organizations. The basis of TQM is to reduce the errors produced during the manufacturing or service process, increase customer satisfaction and improve product/service quality, productivity, and competitiveness by improving communications with stakeholders (customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and society). The application of TQM can vary from business to business, even across the same industry. William Edwards Deming (1900 1993) was an American statistician, professor, author, lecturer, and consultant. He was widely credited with improving production in the United States during the Cold War, although he was well known for his work in Japan. Deming made a significant contribution to Japans later reputation for innovative high-quality products and its economic power. He was regarded for his impact on Japanese manufacturing and business. Despite he was being considered as a hero in Japan, he got a widespread recognition in the U.S. at the time of his death. During Demings work in Japan in 1940s, his message to Japans chief executives was improving quality will reduce expenses while increasing productivity and market share. A number of Japanese manufacturers adopted his techniques widely and experienced an increased level of quality and productivity. After some time quality prize was introduced under Demings name, which is given to companies have experienced a major influence directly and indirectly on the development of quality control and quality management in Japan. Dr. W. Edwards Deming taught that by adopting appropriate principles of management, organizations can increase quality and simultaneously reduce costs by reducing waste, rework, staff wasted time and increase customer loyalty. The key is to practice continence improvement and think of manufacturing as a system, not as bits and pieces. The Deming Theory of Management is a management philosophy based on four principles: Appreciation for systems. Knowledge of variation. Theory of knowledge. Psychology. Deming was well known for his model introduced for problem solving based on the Japanese approach of quality. The model was called as Deming cycle or PDCA (plan, do, check, action). He also introduced 14 points used to reach TQM in organizations as follows: Create constancy of purpose to improve product and service. Adopt new philosophy for new economic age by management learning responsibilities and taking leadership for change. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality by building quality into the product. End awarding business on price; instead, minimize total cost. Improve constantly the system of production and service to improve quality and productivity and to decrease costs. Institute training on the job. Institute leadership to help do a better job. Drive out fear so that all may work effectively for the organization. Break down barriers between departments; research, design and sales; therefore all teams should work together to resolve problems in production and use. Eliminate slogans, exhortations and numerical targets for the workforce. Eliminate quotas or work standards, and management by objectives or substitute leadership. Remove barriers that rob people of their right to pride of workmanship; hourly workers, management and engineering; eliminate annual or merit ratings and management by objectives. Institute a vigorous education and self-improvement program. Put everyone in the organization to work to accomplish the transformation. (Ahmed and Zairi, 2006) Characteristics of Successful TQM Companies based on Deming theory are common to companies that successfully implement TQM in their daily operations are as follows: Strive for owner/customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. Strive for accident free work places. Recognize the need for measurement and fact based decision making. Arrange for employees to become involved in helping the company improve. Train extensively. Work hard at improving communication inside and outside the company. Use teams of employees to improve processes. Place a strong emphasis on the right kind of leadership. Involve subcontractors and suppliers in continuous improvement. Strive for continuous improvement. (, 2010) Joseph Moses Juran (1904 2008) was a 20th century management consultant who was mainly remembered as a caller for quality and quality management, writing several influential books on those subjects. During his 1966 visit to Japan, Juran learned about the Japanese concept of Quality Circles which he actively used in the West. Juran also acted as a matchmaker between U.S. and Japanese companies looking for introductions to each other. Juran was widely credited for adding the human dimension to quality management as he pushed for the education and training of managers. He was also credited for illuminating the core problem in reforming business quality. For Juran, human relations problems were the main issue in most of the organizations. Resistance to change was identified by Juran as the root cause of quality issues. He developed the Jurans trilogy, an approach to cross-functional management that is composed of three managerial processes: Quality planning. Identify who are the customers. Determine the needs of those customers. Translate those needs into our language. Develop a product that can respond to those needs. Optimize the product features so as to meet our needs and customer needs. Quality control. Develop a process which is able to produce the product. Optimize the process. Quality improvement. Prove that the process can produce the product under operating conditions with minimal inspection. Transfer the process to Operations. Malcolm Baldrige (1922 1987) was working as United States Secretary of Commerce and then confirmed by the United States Senate in 1981. During his life journey he played a major role in developing and carrying out Administration trade policy. Baldrige was a supporter of quality management as a key to U.S. wealth and long term strength. He took an initiative in developing the legislation that became the Quality Improvement Act of 1987 and helped draft one of the early versions. In recognition of his contributions, the congress named the annual quality award under his name Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. This award contributed to long-term improvement in economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in government. There are seven Criteria Categories that cover that was set by Baldrige in every management system: 1. Leadership 2. Strategic Planning 3. Customer Focus 4. Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management 5. Workforce Focus 6. Process Management 7. Results He also divided the way of how the apply the above criteria based on the work segment: one for education, one for healthcare, and one for business, nonprofits, and government organizations. The Baldrige Criteria are built on 11 interrelated core values and concepts: Visionary leadership Customer-driven excellence Organizational and personal learning Valuing workforce members and partners Agility Focus on the future Managing for innovation Management by fact Societal responsibility Focus on results and creating value Systems perspective These core values and concepts are embedded in high-performing organizations. They are the foundation for integrating key performance and operational requirements within a framework. ( , 2010) Deming, Juran and Baldridge difference in their quest for Quality: Each one of the above quality gurus is looking into quality from different aspect. They all are working to improve the USA organizations to get better output of products and services. Deming was focusing on the use of statistical quality control. Juran was focusing on managing for quality and started Quality Management courses concentrating on top and middle management of organizations. Baldridge was focusing his on management system to reach performance excellence. He was working on developing the legislation that became the Quality Improvement Act. This was the key to introduce the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award that recognizes U.S. businesses that excel in quality achievement and quality management. If we compare Baldrige with other types of standards we will find that the Baldrige Criteria serve as a comprehensive framework for performance excellence. They focus on business results as well as organizational improvement and innovation systems. Lean and Six Sigma methodologies drive waste and inefficiencies out of processes, and ISO 9000 is a series of standards for an efficient quality conformance system. Overall, ISO 9000 registration covers less than 10 percent of the Baldrige Criteria ( , 2010). Quality model in practice: In my opinion Malcolm Baldrige quality model is the one that it is in practice due to different reasons: Baldrige developed the legislation that became the Quality Improvement Act since 1987. Introduction of Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award that became a method to motivate U.S. organizations to develop their quality based on a set of standards. It focuses on management system to reach performance excellence. It focuses on business results, organizational improvement and innovation systems. Quality Awards: One of the well known quality awards is the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award. It recognizes U.S. businesses that excel in quality achievement and quality management. There are different purposes for the award are: To promote recognition of the importance of quality. To recognize quality related achievements of U.S. organizations. To publicize strategies that improves quality. This award is providing a detailed feedback for additional step the organizations has to take care of in case they would like to meet todays quality standards. The candidates, selected are going through three stages review process are: Evaluation of written examinations submitted by candidate. Site visits to companies with high scores on the written examination. Final overall evaluation. ( , 2010) They are assed based on seven Criteria Categories that was set by Baldrige are: 1. Leadership 2. Strategic Planning 3. Customer Focus 4. Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management 5. Workforce Focus 6. Process Management 7. Results The above criteria will asses every single detail of the organization in order to check their quality excellence. Even if the organizations do not want to go for the process of the award, they can go through the award documents, use the awards assessment criteria to check their status and then adapt the applicable quality model on their process in order to reach the quality standard. Conclusion: Quality has become an important approach that organizations are taking care of while developing their process of work and managing their resources. Quality gurus have introduced several types of management improvement tools to reach quality excellence. Moreover, awards were introduced to check organizations process and motivate them towards quality excellence. REFERANCE Abdel Ahmed and Mohamed Zairi and Ali Asseri, 2006. TQM Fundamentals: Chapter 1 The Quality Planning Process. Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University. Baldrige core values. Retrieved on April 18.2010 from Joseph M. Juran. (2010, March 10). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 06:29, April 14, 2010, from KC 1.5.3 Quality Pioneers Joseph M. Juran. Retrieved on April 14, 2010 from Malcolm Baldrige, Jr.. (2010, April 6). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 06:33, April 14, 2010, from,_Jr.oldid=354335958 PDCA. (2010, April 14). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 07:46, April 14, 2010, from Total quality management. (2010, April 13). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 12:41, April 16, 2010, from Total Quality Management a continuous improvement process, 2010. Retrieved on April 14, 2010 from What is Baldrige? Retrieved on April 18, 2010 from Y.K. Shetty, The quest for quality excellence: lessons from the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award. Retrieved on April 20, 2010 from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Good and Evil in Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay

Good and Evil in Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne In â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† there is a fight between good and evil with one main character being torn between the two sides and every other character seemingly on one side or the other through the reader’s view, although many characters do deceive Goodman Brown about whether they are good or evil. This fight between the two sides and the deception that causes confusion for Goodman Brown is the source of tension throughout the entire story. In â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† every character’s traits and dialogue, the setting, and even colors mentioned have double meanings and are symbolic to the main binary oppositions of either good or evil. In the beginning of the story, Young Goodman Brown â€Å"crosses the threshold† of his home, leaving his Faith, whom he calls his â€Å"angel on earth† and traveling on a journey into the dark night (page 2186). Right away the reader sees that Faith is symbolic of goodness, although she does wear pink ribbons, a mixture of white and red that symbolizes purity and sexuality, but these are worn in the confines of her marriage, causing the reader to view the pink as being sacred. The journey Goodman Brown is taking is opposite of everything that Faith stands for and immediately appears to be ominous when good Faith begs him to stay with â€Å"trouble in her face, as if a dream had warned her what work is to be done tonight† (2187). Goodman Brown knows that he is leaving for an â€Å"evil purpose,† but feels justified in doing so because â€Å"after this one night [he’ll] cling to [Faith’s] skirts and follow her to Heaven,† as if hi s association with Faith, who represents goodness, will save him and allow him to enter into Heaven even if he enters into the si... ...odman Brown is forever changed by the revealing of the true deceptive nature of his fellow Christians that night. Everything and everyone he believed in is now viewed as evil, not good. His own worship in church is drowned by â€Å"an anthem of sin [that] rushed loudly upon his ear and drowned the blessed strain† of his song (2195). The key fact is that Goodman Brown let the evil images and people take his Faith away, but he never stops being â€Å"followed by Faith,† even when she is â€Å"an aged woman† and he is â€Å"borne to his grave† (2195). He stops loving and living by his Faith, but she never stops loving and living by him. Evil overtakes Goodman Brown, making his dying hour gloom, but Faith remains in the end. Work Cited Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"Young Goodman Brown.† The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Paul Lauter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002. 2186-95.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Carb-Cutting Atkins Diet Essay -- Health Nutrition Diet Exercise E

The Carb-Cutting Atkins Diet America is getting fatter. Recent statistics have shown large leaps in percentage the overweight in our country. As the obesity epidemic continues to grow, companies and nutritionists around the country work at a fanatical pace to develop new techniques which they claim can help prevent the emergence of an overweight America. Often, these techniques include diets – ranging from the highly sensible to the highly controversial. One such meal plan, which has recently been in the center stage of the media, is the carb-cutting Atkins Diet. Started in 1972 by the late Dr. Atkins, the diet of his namesake has had books, TV programs and even energy bars dedicated to it. One of these bars, the Atkins Advantage ® claims to be able to help with weight loss by lowering sugar levels in the blood, which in turn will aid in fat burning. One important question remains though: Is this claim supported? However, before answering this problem, we must first understand how the diet in question works.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While many diets attempt to limit the number of calories consumed per meal, the Atkins diet instead tries to lower the carbohydrate content of these meals. The reasoning comes from the theory that carbohydrates - complex sugars found in bread and starchy foods, will lead to an increase in levels of another chemical, insulin. Insulin is a chemical that regulates several important factors in the human body, including that of weight and hunger. Nutritionists supporting the Atkins plan believe that high levels of insulin in the bloodstream actually slow down the body’s process of burning fat, known as lypolysis. In addition, Atkins supporters claim that because of the che... ...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Despite the recent success and initial positive results of the Atkins diet, the bar does not seem to share the same qualities. Unfortunately for its creators, the Atkins Advantage ® bar contradicts the entire framework and basis of the Atkins Diet. While the goal of the energy bar was to reduce insulin levels, laboratory tests have suggested otherwise. Such would almost completely impair any benefits to the body from a low blood sugar level. It is quite possible that the excess insulin would store what little blood sugar there was in the body, and make consumers hungrier, faster. It appears that while many aspects of the Atkins diet do work on the premise of lowering blood insulin levels, the energy bar fails miserably. More tests would need to be performed, however, before a truly clear view of this bar and its effects can be formed.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Social Health Care

Connecting Toward a Healthier Future Social technologies are affecting the way our world operates as they become more and more established and interconnected. Individuals are using Faceable, Twitter, Linked, and a wide variety of other forms of social media to communicate, connect, and share. The way many communicate with their family, friends, employers, and strangers has changed as social media has as well. Individuals can have closer contacts with those who live far away and stay up to date with those who they many not see everyday.As well as individuals ability to communicate more than they ever have before, the way they do things is changed due to social media and mobile technologies. More specifically, social technologies are affecting health care, connecting and collaborating to a healthier future. People worldwide are sharing information that can be accessed from any place, at any time. Not only is social media changing the nature of the way we access information, but it's a lso changing the speed of which we retrieve the information.Patients, doctors, and health care organizations can connect quicker and easier then they once could, roving important information to mass amounts of people at one time when needed, and sharing information creating a interconnected approach to health services. Individuals no longer have to wait in a doctors office for hours to find out the answer to a question they have as they can rely on social media; they can check their symptoms or type their question in on a website, such as www. WebMD. Com, and get instant answers from doctors without leaving their home.At the same time, individuals can post a question on a social media site and get answers and opinions from a large group of people including family, friends, doctors, and any one else who may stumble across the post. Social media has changed the way our world, and more specifically health care, connects to create a healthier future. Health care has gone through tremend ous amounts of changes since social media has emerged. At one time, patients were passive recipients of knowledge, relying solely on the information that one doctor has given them at any specific time.Results were not discusses and people would not go to others for advice or answers to medical questions or concerns they had. Today, however, through the use of social media, individuals are sharing more than they ever have, relying on the information from others, connecting and communicating for knowledge. After visiting a new doctor, having a procedure, or going for surgery, individuals can easily tell others about the experiences they had, sharing reviews of the doctor, and updates but posting and commenting on social media sites.Medications and treatments can also receive reviews by consumers, informing others of potential risks, benefits, and other concerns they may have. Patients can share health-related images ND videos and providers post quizzes to provide users with important information in an engaging way. PWS shares snapshots of recent activity, demonstrating how through social media users are asking questions such as, â€Å"when do you deliver your baby? – early, late, or on time? † receiving 61 likes and 766 comments (Anally, 2012. . This is a perfect example of how individuals today are using social media to get answers to the questions they have. Support groups for medical issues and health-related causes are being created, with awareness being spread through social media. As awareness is extending, so is the support received: information and input is shared and obtained through a mass number of people, called scrounging (courseware, n. D. ). When many people come together, great success is achieved.Websites such as The Foundation for Parade-Will Research is an example of a non-profit organization that has created a Faceable page made to bring individuals with Parade-Will, family members, and friends together to learn and share knowle dge (Howard, J. , Strong, T. , Johnson, S. , Viral, A, & porter, J. , 2014). This page delivers information, advice, suggestions, and arsenal stories about Parade-Will and how individuals are dealing with this medical disability. Different medications and treatment options along with the outcomes are shared, as well as school adaptations and success stories are shared among the group.The Faceable page creates awareness worldwide and receives support and pledges from many for research development. When someone joins a group where others experience similar issues a sense of community is built, sharing supporting, and helping others creating a healthier and happier population. Not only is there a Faceable page for Parade-Will, but there are also a wide variety of pages and sites through all forms of social media that offer support for those with medical exceptionalness and loved ones.There are also other ways to retrieve medical health care information through social media and mobile d evices, such as Telepathy Ontario. Telepathy is ministry of health and long-term care program, that is a free telephone service where you have access to a registered nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With mobile devices we have today, this means you can talk to a registered nurse at any time of any day, no matter where you are as Eng as you have a mobile device. The health professional will help you determine your first step in what to do when medical issues arise.After asking a series of questions, the nurse can help individuals determine whether self care is advised or if it's recommended you make a doctors appointment, visit a clinic, or go to a hospital emergency room. One will also be given numbers of community resources nearest to them, and answers to questions they may have. Telepathy is just one example Of a service provided due to the emergence of social media and mobile devices. Due to the rapid expansion of social media and mobile devices, there are many services emerg ing that connect us to create a healthier future. As application software has become very popular, so has the term â€Å"app. APS have appeared on smart phones, pods, pads, tablets, and computers. â€Å"App† was even coined the 201 0 word of the year by the American Dialect Society (Metcalf, A. 201 1). This comes no surprise as you can see the emergence of technology has even shaped the way society talks. If we look back to 1990, society begins talking about technology, with the â€Å"most likely word to succeed† being notebook PC, followed by the 1993 ‘ rod of the year† being information superhighway. The 1994 word of the year was cyber and 1 995 â€Å"word of the year,† as well as â€Å"most likely to succeed and most useful word's was World Wide Web.In 1998 the ‘rod of the yea' and â€Å"most useful word† was the prefix e- as in e-mail and e-commerce, with 1 ass's â€Å"most useful word† being dot-com. In 2002 the â€Å"most likely to succeed† word was blob and the most useful word was Google, as a verb, as it to Google someone. By 2009 the â€Å"word of the year† was tweet and 201 g's word of the year, app (Metcalf, A. 201 1). APS are available in nearly every subject, with the saying ‘there's an app to that,† applying to nearly anything today. This includes health, with a wide variety of health APS to help individuals get and stay healthy.For those with a child, loved one, or oneself who has a food allergy or restrictive diet, there are APS such as Foddering which allows them to check the ingredients and additives in each product (Hobbles, 2012). For keeping your body at a healthy weight there are a wide variety of diet APS, as well as fitness APS. Many diet APS allow you to input the food you eat and based off your body it ill tell you how much you should be having of each thing and how it is going to affect you. There are also a variety of fitness APS, with fitness plans, c alorie counters, and exercises for you to do.Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker by â€Å"My Fitness Pal† is an example of a combination of the TVÐ’Â »'0, as they affect each other. A healthy mind is also important when it comes to an individuals overall health, and for that there are APS such as Stress Check which tells you how you rate on the stress chart, and what to do to help reduce anxiety so you can have a healthier mind. Summary is an example of n app that can be used to help individuals of all ages, by letting you know when you do and do not need sun protection, such as sunscreen, hats, and light clothing, before going outside to help prevent skin cancer.To help prevent and detect another common form of cancer, birdwatchers and other similar APS have been created to help reduce the risk and provide early detection of breast cancer. This app provides a video on how to do a breast check, as well as sets up reminders in a calendar as to when to do it. For men there are similar APS for prostate exams and symptoms of when to visit the doctor. On top of all the more specific health APS, there is also an app called WebMD Mobile where individuals can check symptoms, get first-aid advice, or some medical advice all right from their phone (Hobbles, 2012).As we can see, there are APS for virtually anything, including health, that you have access to nearly every moment of everyday, creating a healthier, more connected population. On top of that, not only are all these APS helpful in keeping us healthy, but you can often find many of them (or similar APS with the same function) for free. This leaves us to see that individuals enjoy accessing information from home as well as connecting with others around the globe for answers. From here, a wide range of APS have been emerging, and continue to emerge based off the demands of society.We can see that individuals are using social media and mobile technologies to become a healthier, potentially happier populatio n, but who specifically is using these new technologies? Is it everyone, or just one group? Well, we can see that the longer technologies have been out and the more they advance, the more people are pursuing the use of them. However, the problem remains that not all of the population is. Seeing as the younger population has grown up with the advances in technology they are much more inclined to use and stay up to date with the technology we have today.As we look at the older population though, it seems as the older the individual is, the less likely they are to use technology as much as they could, however, it really depends on the lifestyle of which someone has had. An example of this is an 80 year old who has worked in a profession that relied on the advances of technology might be much more up to date and involved than a 55 year old who has never needed to use a computer or cell phone for their job, even Hough on average most 55 year olds are more engaged and aware than 80 year o lds.This poses a problem when not all parties are involved in social media when trying to communicate, as some individuals may miss out on important information and don't have the opportunity to put their input in, which becomes a large challenge when trying to follow an inclusive model. Not only are individuals using social media though; patients, doctors, hospitals, health insurance companies, drug companies, pharmacies, and work places are all using social media. We can see how this affects them by joking at PWS Global Network Chairman, Anally explains how â€Å"an insurer gained new member by hosting a contest to 5,10th-page like.The contest posted 321 likes, 5 shares, 16 comments,† and how a â€Å"pharmacy manufacturer alerted members about a product recall which resulted in 12 likes, 47 shares, 12 comments. † (2012) Everyone not on the bandwagon for social media is not the main disadvantage, however. The main problems have to do with the users who are engaged in these technologies. One problem is that not all information found on the internet, and more specifically through social media, is accurate. With everyone having the ability to post, we have a large portion of inaccurate information, that users have to watch out for.It can be nearly impossible at times to determine whether or not you are accessing information from a trustworthy source. At the same time, many post information about themselves on social media sites without realizing how dangerous it could be, and how virtually anyone can find out tremendous amount of information without ever meeting them. Once information has been put online, it no longer is your property, it becomes the social media site's property. For health care specifically, there is a struggle for patient confidentiality.Keeping confidential information private can be hard when on social media sites. At the same time, there is a struggle between relationships health care practitioners build with patients, to make patients feel more secure, but also have the confidentiality for these professionals to maintain their professionalism and not mix their work and their home life. The main problem with social media site is that individuals now share personal information with many across the world, which can make others feel purported, but it comes with risks of individuals using that personal information in dangerous ways.The emergence and growth of social technologies and mobile devices has changed health care worldwide, connecting and collaborating for a healthier future. The quality of medical care has been improved as there is more communication between patients and medical professionals, as well as communication and support between individuals. Important messages can be delivered quicker and easier than they once were, and information is much more accessible than it once was as well. There a a wide range of APS to help individuals get and stay healthy, as well as share their progress with othe rs.However, as with anything, there are disadvantages to social health care. Privacy and confidentiality is very hard to be kept when using social media, as is professionalism while still providing patients with friendly, secure relationships. Also, it can be hard to determine what information is accurate and what sources are trustworthy. Overall, social media is changing health care, creating many opportunities to build off of and engage all to create a healthier population connecting and collaborating to a healthier future.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Cromwells contribution was greater off the battlefield than on it Essay

â€Å"Cromwell’s contribution was greater off the battlefield than on it†. How far do you agree with this view of Cromwell’s role in the First Civil War? Many historians have argued that Cromwell’s rise to prominence was through his work during the First Civil War (1642-1646). This work can be split into two sections: on the battlefield and off the battlefield. On the battlefield, his main success came during the Battle of Marston Moor and Battle of Naseby, whilst off the battlefield he was instrumental in passing the Self-Denying Ordinance which created the path to victory for Parliament. Cromwell’s early military engagements in East Anglia had been relatively successful compared to other parliamentary generals during the first two years of the First Civil War. The Eastern Association, Cromwell’s army, were successful in several minor battles, namely Gainsborough, Winceby and Grantham. This prevented the Royalists from controlling Lincolnshire. These victories had provided much-needed propaganda for parliamentary newspapers, during a year in which the Royalists were clearly the stronger side. In addition, Cromwell also stopped the proclamation of the Royalist commission of array in Hertfordshire. However, it should be noted that these triumphs were trivial, and when placed in the context of the entire war its only function was to delay the southward march of the Earl of Newcastle’s army. Nevertheless, Cromwell’s prominence was enhanced significantly since he was the only parliamentary general to have any success in 1643. His other military successes in 1643 include establishing the northern frontier of the Eastern Association at the River Nene. The victory at Crowland Abbey entrenched parliamentary control in East Anglia, indicating that Cromwell was clearly successful in preventing Royalist forces from taking over Lincolnshire. Again, this had provided the Parliament Scout with propaganda. This propaganda gave Cromwell an increased military reputation, which helped him in the political arena during the latter years of the First Civil War. The Battle of Marston Moor, July 1644, changed Cromwell’s career both as a politician and a military general. Cromwell’s unique ability to regroup of his soldiers after attacking Byron’s cavalry in order to attack George Goring from the rear was the main catalyst for the victory. Although this battle did not decide the final fate of the First Civil War, it gave parliament hope and confidence; after the battle parliamentary soldiers were euphoric. This suggests that, just as in 1643, Cromwell’s military leadership not only resulted in victories but also increased the morale and confidence of the parliamentary army in general. Following this victory Cromwell’s political and military reputation were elevated to new heights. Whilst the Battle of Marston Moor was not the turning point in the First Civil War, the Battle of Naseby (June 1645) certainly was. Yet again, Cromwell was instrumental in winning the battle for parliament. Just like at Marston Moor, Cromwell’s horse was able to attack the Royalist from the rear, breaking the initial Royalist momentum. Since royalist infantry were either or slaughtered or surrendered, the King was never able to field a full size army again, implying that at Naseby Cromwell had effectively won the war for parliament. Furthermore, by capturing the King’s baggage train, Parliament were able to publish the details of the Charles’ correspondence with the Irish Catholics and hence giving Parliament more support from the people. Evidently, one can see that Cromwell was at the heart of the victory at Naseby, which ensured that parliament won the First Civil War. It may appear that all Cromwell’s military actions all resulted in victories. This is not the case. Even in 1643, Cromwell had some failures as a soldier. Although he was successful in East Anglia, he completely failed whenever he tried to participate in wider military engagements. By the summer of that year, his military position was as dire as other parliamentary generals, and thus was in no position to provide military support. Meanwhile, Cromwell’s military failures after Marston Moor include the Battle of Newbury and Battle of Donnington Castle. However, these failures were minor and did not have as much an impact as his victories. For instance, the Battle of Marston Moor was not decisive, so the loss at Donnington Castle did not mean that parliament lost the opportunity to win the war. On the other hand, Essex’s loss at Lostwithiel was much more consequential since it negated the advantage gained at Marston Moor. One might wonder whether if Essex had not lost at Lostwithiel, parliament would have won the war much earlier due to the advantage gained at Marston Moor. Therefore, Cromwell’s military failures are cancelled out by his more important successes. These military successes turned Cromwell into a parliamentary hero. As a result, he was able to advance his political influence. In the political arena, Cromwell was able to a more integral part than before the civil war. Cromwell’s main political achievements occurred in the Self-Denying Ordinance, in which he secured a pathway to victory for parliament. The Self-Denying Ordinance forbade any MP to hold an army command. This meant the likes of Manchester and Essex were forced to relieve their military commands. Consequently, the peace party lost control of parliament’s army, leaving the war party, who wanted outright victory first, in control of the army. This meant that the parliamentary army was united in its aims, implying that Cromwell had set the framework for parliament’s future military engagements. The Self-Denying Ordinance also allowed for the creation of the New Model Army, whose excellence was witnessed at the Battle of Naseby, again indicating Cromwell’s ability in the political arena. The Self-Denying Ordinance was not Cromwell’s only political accomplishment. In January 1644, Cromwell is involved in raising monthly assessments by 50%. This helped parliamentary finances which were in short supply. Cromwell also attacked many other parliamentary generals who he felt had played insignificant and incompetent roles in battles. All of these happened because of Cromwell’s increased political status, as seen by his position in the Committee of Both Kingdoms. Therefore, it seems that Cromwell played key roles in political events during the civil war. However, it is important to remember that the Self-Denying Ordinance was not devised by Cromwell but instead by his parliamentary allies, notably Viscount Saye and Sele. Although he was involved in its passage through parliament, Cromwell was merely the most prominent beneficiary. In parliament Cromwell was supported by at least 9 connections. Without these connections it could be argued that Cromwell would not have received such political importance. Furthermore, it was Cromwell’s military success that allowed him to be influential in parliament, thus implying that his political status was dependent upon his military prowess. His military triumphs also helped him when Essex and Denzil Holles debated whether or not to impeach him. They had decided not to proceed because of Cromwell’s military importance to the parliamentary army, suggesting that his military contribution cannot be replaced. In addition, before the First Civil War, Cromwell lacked many essential political skills as seen by many of his mistakes. Cromwell’s paucity of political aptitude is also seen when he attacks Manchester in November 1644. This attack split parliament into rival two factions: peace party and war party, which would have consequences after the war. Although Cromwell did try to unite the factions together, he was responsible for the breakout in the first place, thus implying a negative contribution off the battlefield. Therefore, one finds that Cromwell’s contribution off the battlefield is not as desirable as his military contribution. His political contribution alone could not have won the war for parliament, whereas his military contribution on its own could have won the war for parliament. In conclusion, Cromwell’s role on the battlefield and in the political arena cannot be underestimated; in both areas he was useful and helpful towards parliament’s cause. However, Cromwell’s role main role was on the battlefield where he led many parliamentary armies to victories in full-scale battles as well as minor skirmishes, which eventually ensured triumph for parliament over the king. These victories allowed him to acquire an increased status not only militarily but also politically, which gave him more influences in parliamentary affairs on and off the battlefield. Nevertheless, politically he did not architect any notable event, even the Self-Denying Ordinance wasn’t devised by Cromwell. On the other hand, militarily he guided a parliamentary side from near defeat in 1643 to victory three years later. Thus, this gives the impression that Cromwell’s contribution was greater on the battlefield.