Sunday, December 29, 2019

Who Killed Jfk The Kennedy Conspiracy - 1047 Words

Kevin Myers Professor Vollaro ENC 1101 June 8, 2016 Reader Response Essay â€Å"Who Killed JFK? The Kennedy Conspiracy† In The Week’s article, â€Å"the CIA, aliens and the Illuminati, those shots are continuing to reverberate across the US.† I believe the John F. Kennedy’s assassination was an inside job, the only problem is they’re so many variables, and so much controversy in that particular fragment of history; Politics, The Mafia, The Soviet Union, Possibly the CIA, our own government could all have had a hand in this tragic, confusing situation, hell you mine as well throw in the possibly of the Free masons committing assassination. Could it be possible that this was an inside job established from our own government to assassinate a president who was actually trying to help America, who had a different agenda then what the US government had planed? Or could this monstrosity be the result of from a rival super power, The Soviet Union? In this article it points out many possible theories and culprits to the assassination. I agree with the article’s assumption tha t Lee Harvey Oswald could have been a paid assassin. The question is who was writing his pay checks? The Week’s article also made me question our government and its principles. For the past 53 years Theorists have been constantly debating the horrendous assassination of John F. Kennedy was a conspiracy theory for sure, there are just so many possibilities. The people should be able to have some faith in their ownShow MoreRelatedThe Assassination of John F. Kennedy Essay916 Words   |  4 PagesNovember 22 1963 former President John F Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald. He became the second out of the two most remembered presidents to be killed, the first being Lincoln. However, most people believe that John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln, but most people don’t think Oswald killed JFK. Ranging from his future-self killing his past self to other crazy theories like aliens, but 55% of our nation still think that JFK was involved by some government conspiracy at the time of his death. Right nowRead MoreThe Assassination Of Jfk Assassination Theory1385 Words   |  6 Pa gesessay is the JFK assassination theory. I would like to research this because I have seen documents and videos online and on television about the conspiracy but I have not done full research into it to see the facts. With the presidents of the United States they are able to make or break the country with their decisions, with that JFK was assassinated due to that and other reasons. I will be going into this research thinking that there is a conspiracy behind the assassination of JFK that it wasn tRead MoreA Look into the Assassination of JFK981 Words   |  4 PagesJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29th, 1917 in Brooklyn, Massachusetts. He was named after his grandfather, John Francis Fitzgerald, who happened to also have a career in politics as the mayor of Boston, Massachusetts. He had 8 siblings, three brothers and five sisters. His parents were Patrick Joseph Kennedy and Rose Kennedy. His early life in Massachusetts helped shape him into one of the greatest presidents America has ever had. Kennedy was an especially bright young man with many talentsRead MoreJfk Was A Victim Of A Conspiracy Essay1067 Words   |  5 Pagessee President John F. Kennedy ride through a parade. Many spectators watched as President JFK was shot. Since JFK’s death, 50 years ago, many conspiracy theories have evolved. 73% of all Americans believe that JFK was a victim of a conspiracy (Southwell). The Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy, and that he acted alone. However, over half of the American population believe otherwise. Through the years there have been many conspiracies evolve that have showedRead MoreNoah Cooper. Mrs. Sites. English 10A. 15 April 2017. Lee1749 Words   |  7 Pagesthe assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial. Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat- too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.) The Dallas police have put out statements on the Communist conspiracy theory and it was they who were in charge when he was shot and thus silenced (â€Å"The JFK Assassination† 2.) The assassination of John F. Kennedy has been a topic of debate for many years. TheRead MoreThe Assassination Of John F. Kennedy1620 Words   |  7 Pages Ever since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, there has been controversy over whether the true gunman was held accountable. The United States Government claimed that it was an easy, open and closed case. They found Lee Harvey Oswald, close to ground zero, with a freshly fired riffle, immediately after JFK was shot. Contrary to the governments report, skeptics argue a vast scope of conspiracies to shed light on what they believe happened that day; ideas ranging from magic bullets, multipleRead MoreBook 1984 Analysis: Conspiracies in the US, John F. Kennedy1438 Words   |  6 Pages A conspiracy is a â€Å"secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful† (Conspiracy.). One of the most conspiracy filled events in history just happens to be the John F. Kennedy assassination. Some ideas are way out there, but others sound like they might have at least a hint of truth in them. The book 1984, relates to a few of these schemes of how and such an event would happen, but even more importantly how it was covered up. In the book they were masterminds at covering up events andRead MoreThe Assassination of Kennedy and The Conspiracies Surrounding It1530 Words   |  7 PagesJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy was made president January of 1961. The people of America adored him and his wife, Jacqueline. However, on November 22, 1963, Kennedy was shot and killed while riding in the back of his car through Dallas, Texas. The audience of the parade he was in had to watch in horror as their idol died in front of them. He was 46 years old. We grew being told in school that the man who shot John F. Kennedy was Lee Harvey Oswald. However, as I grew older I started learning moreRead MoreMilitary Industrial Complex During The Farewell Speech1710 Words   |  7 PagesII. Conspiracies i. Military-industrial complex In the farewell speech given by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower when he left office, he warned the nation about the power of the military establishment and the arms industry. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. Some conspiracy theorists haveRead MoreThe Assassination of John F. Kennedy1076 Words   |  4 Pages The assassination of John F. Kennedy is one of the most controversial and debated topics in American History. JFK was one of the most beloved presidents of our time. It was November 22, 1963 when JFK was assassinated. Unlike previous presidential assassinations, the JFK assassination is the most conspiracies of all time. The theories are the Government cover up, Mafia influence and Cuban President Fidel Castro. Imagine one person can do all this planning which Lee Harve y Oswald. There is no way

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Guy de Maupassant Writes in Third Person - 919 Words

In third person, the narrator is like another character that can see everyone in the storys point of view. This way, the author can tell you what all of the characters are thinking. A writers choice of a type of narrator is crucial for the way a story is perceived by the reader. Guy de Maupassant uses a third-person limited perspective and the narrator reveals the thoughts and feelings of one character. Explicit narration directly reveals the main character’s internal and external conflict. Guy de Maupassants limited third person narrator creates a vivid character, struggling to acknowledge her lower class and teaches a powerful theme about the dangers of envy . The symbolism throughout the story strengthens Mathilde’s internal conflict about being in a lower class. Guy de Maupassant uses a third person limited narrator to characterize the depressed, ungrateful character, Mathilde, who is consumed with envy. Mathilde is described as pessimistic and jealous of wealthy, elegant women. Beautiful Mathilde Loisel was born into a family of clerks, and her utter conviction that her place in life is a mistake of destiny leads her to live her life in a constant rebellion against her circumstances. Her desire for wealth is a constant pain and distress. She cannot visit her wealthy friend Madame Forestier without being overcome with jealousy, and the idea of going to a party without expensive clothes drives her to tears. Mathilde is a jealous woman who will do anything in herShow MoreRelatedGuy de Maupassant -the Terror1657 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The Terror† by Guy de Maupassant is a story about a man who is getting married because he’s afraid to be alone. First, the story begins with a man who talking about is upcoming nuptials to a woman he barely knows. The guy (nameless) has only met his future wife four times, and thinks she is what any man could want in a spouse; he talks about how she’s not really rich, but was raised for the sole purpose of marriage. He says the only reason he’s getting marriage is because he doesn’t want to be alone:Read MoreEssay about Biography and Work of Guy de Maupassant4591 Words   |  19 PagesBiography and Work of Guy de Maupassant Guy de Maupassant is acknowledged through the world as one of the masters of the short story; Guy de Maupassant was also the author of a collection of poetry, a volume of plays, three travel journals, six novels, and many chronicles. He produced some three hundred short stories in the single decade from 1880 to 1890; a period during which he produced most of his other works. Five of his six novels were published during the second half of the decade.Read MoreFiction in Henry James Paste2797 Words   |  12 Pagesthan content. Henry James, William Faulkner, and many other American writers experimented with fictional points of view. Vision and viewpoint became an essential aspect of the modernist novel as well. No longer was it sufficient to write a straightforward third-person narrative or (worse yet) use a pointlessly intrusive narrator. The way the story was told became as important as the story itself. 3. Henry James (1843-1916) [pic] Life: Henry James was born in New York City into a wealthy familyRead MoreThe Necklace And The Kiss By Guy De Maupassant1604 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The Necklace† and â€Å"The Kiss† both written by Guy De Maupassant are classic short stories that embody all literary elements. Like most short stories Maupassant takes the reader on many twists and turns, making the reader assume what is to happen next only to surprise you with what actually happens. In â€Å"The Necklace† social class, lust, and an unfortunate mistake lead a married couple to endure years of hardship. In â€Å"The Kiss† an experienced aunt writes a letter to her heartbroken niece using wisdomRead MoreWalter Mitty vs. the Necklace2159 Words   |  9 Pagesand girls and men and women. These works usually depict the girls and women doing housework, playing with dolls, and cooking. The men are usually depicted as sports players and lovers, providers, and figures that are overall stronger than woman. Guy de Maupassant’s, â€Å"The Necklace† and James Thurber’s, â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty† are two works of literature that focus on the themes gender roles and marriage, with some similarities, but with even more differences. In â€Å"The Secret Life of WalterRead MoreThe Structure Like A Snow Crystal2839 Words   |  12 Pagescomplex structure like a snow crystal. No two crystals are same but the patterns are repeated. To completely understand a person, the various facets of their nature are needed to be explored. Carl Jung had illustrated the human character as the combination of many archetypes, those which are dominant in the conscious nature and also those which are underlying within a person without the knowledge of its presence. These archetypes are the building blocks of a unique character. In a book entitled MurderRead MoreAN ANALYSIS PAPER ON ANTON CHEKHOV’S THE SEAGULL AND THE CHERRY ORCHARD12092 Words   |  49 Pageshistorical influence of his time period, Anton Chekhov’s writing style, although many will say otherwise, was also subject to the literary influences during his time. According to Sandifer et al (2011), Chekhov was indebted to such literary giants as Maupassant, Tolstoy, Turgenev, and Dostoyevsky, and would often allude to them in his writing. In particular, Anton Chekhov was linked frequently to Leo Tolstoy, a compatriot and elder writer, to whom Chekhov was actually well acquainted during his lifetime

Friday, December 13, 2019

Meet Carl Robinson, he is a 13

Meet Carl Robinson, he is a 13-year-old student at St. Marks School in North London Essay Meet Carl Robinson, he is a 13-year-old student at St. Marks School in North London. He is an only child who lives with his mother and father in a small house near to the school. Carl is a clever student and is seen with a great deal of potential. He is also a popular boy and liked by teachers and many other students. Carl is a very handsome young man as well. He is a tall young man with dark tanned skin and short black hair. Carl also has a 100% attendance record as he enjoys school and likes seeing his friends every day. It is a Wednesday afternoon and Carl is at home doing his homework in the living room when his father Alan walks in, in rather a good mood, it appears he has news. Carl is very anxious to hear what his father has to say so he rushes towards him and says, Why are you in such a good mood dad? His dad replied by saying, Is your mother in as I have some news which will affect the three of us Yes father, she is in the kitchen, Ill go and get her replied Carl. Carl then raced to the kitchen and called his mother Carol into the living room where his father was. Carl was now starting to worry and feel nervous. Then he looked at his father, who at that point was grinning like a Cheshire cat and said, Dad please hurry up and tell us as I am starting to feel tense. OK he replied with a look of glee, I have just been speaking to my manager who as told me that there is a promotion available. Instead of being just a normal insurance consultant there is a managerial position available for me. Carl and his mother look at each other in excitement, The only drawback is that the job is in Leicester. In an instant Carl ran straight upstairs to his room. Shall I go after him? said Alan. No, replied Carol with a sigh, give him a chance to get used to the idea. Whats the matter with you Carol, I thought its what you always wanted, a fresh start. I mean just the other day you were moaning about this dump, and nowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ HOW DARE YOU, shouted Carol at the top of her voice, how dare you say that I called this place a dump. I mean I work every day to keep this house clean and tidyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Hold on Carol, why are we arguing? I mean it is not exactly for definite although it would be a great opportunity for us as a family. Ive already taken the liberty to look at schools in the area and there is one perfect for Carl, its called Leicester Grammar and it  does all the subjects Carl does at the moment and its really high in the league tables. I have even been on the phone to them and told them about Carl, so if we did move they would accept him. Is it a nice area though and could we afford a house there? It is a beautiful area with low cost of accommodation, its a lot cheaper than where we are living now. Well it sounds alright to me, so Ill have a word with Carl but it looks as though were moving. YES, thank you so much, you wont regret this. I hope not, replied Carol moving towards the stairs. Meanwhile Carl is on his bed sobbing his eyes out when he hears his mothers footsteps, so he quickly wipes away his tears with his index finger. .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e , .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e .postImageUrl , .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e , .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e:hover , .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e:visited , .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e:active { border:0!important; } .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e:active , .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0dabdfbfb00e4ec98c1ae6b9c782662e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Antigone Jenny Peterson Essay Carl, I want to speak to you about the idea of us moving, and we will move no matter how much you protest, said Carls mother. But mum, how could you do this to me, I mean I love it here in London. And besides all my friends are here. Youll make new friends and besides well be in a nicer area so what do you say are we moving. Yes mum, but how soon is the move. I dont know, lets go downstairs and discuss the details with your father over a nice pot of tea. Carl now knew that there is nothing he can do so he might as well just get on with it. So Carl went downstairs and had that cup of tea and found out that the move would be in two weeks time. Two weeks is just enough time for Carl to say goodbye to his friends but he still wasnt happy. The two weeks soon passed by and it was now time to leave. It was a long journey but when the Robinsons reached their destination they were too tired to look around. So they just unloaded everything into the house and they all went to sleep. It was a long morning putting everything just where they wanted it but the decoration could take weeks. Three days later it was Carls first day at school, and he wasnt looking forward to it. He knew it wasnt going to be easy but he was going to try really hard to make the right impression. All Carl wanted to do was make a few friends and not to be known as the lonely new kid. A week passed and today is Wednesday. Carl still hasnt made any friends. So Carl walked home alone as he usually does but this time he decided to take a different route, he decided to walk through the park. On his way through the park he recognised three kids from his school playing football.  He then heard one of them shout to him, Excuse me, youre the new kid arent you, Carl isnt it? Yes I am, replied Carl rather nervously. Well Im Tim, that boy over there with the brown hair is Michael and the boy next to him is John. We were wondering whether you would like to come and play with us. At this moment Carl was somewhat dazed, it was his first chance to make friends and even though he had dinner in an hour, he wasnt going to waste it. OK then whose team am I on, You can be on my team, replied Michael. So Carl played football and he loved it, he knew that this could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship. When they finished playing football Carls new friends invited him to go to Burgertown, which is the local burger bar round the corner. When Carl got home he ran straight to his mother and told her all about his new friends. Carls mother was delighted with the news and whispered to herself, Thank God for that. It is now Thursday afternoon and Carl and his new friends are having a good time in the burger bar. They are now talking about CDs, So Carl, what CDs have you bought recently? asked John. Well I havent really had any money for CDs after the move. Then out of nowhere Michael said the strangest thing. Carl, you dont need money to buy CDs when youve got these. At this point Michael was pointing at his pockets. Everyone on the table began to laugh but Michael couldnt understand what was so funny. .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a , .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a .postImageUrl , .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a , .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a:hover , .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a:visited , .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a:active { border:0!important; } .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a:active , .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc30bb2f2c261fe3e67439197dc72ac1a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Essay What is so funny? asked Michael, Its dead easy. I know why dont we go next door to CDs R Us and well see how easy it is. Everyone on the table was convinced so they got up and walked out of the burger bar. Whilst outside they decided to split into twos so they wouldnt draw attention to themselves. Michael and John were paired up and so were Carl and Tim. Carl knew what he was doing was wrong but he wanted to keep his friends so he took a deep breath and followed the others into the CD shop. When they were in the shop one pair was on one side and the other pair was on the otherside. Michael and John didnt waste anytime they picked out a couple of CDs and were straight out of the door not looking backwards. Carl and Tim spotted this so they decided to hurry their theft so they could quickly make it outside. Carl and Tim quickly slipped a CD each under their jackets and walked towards the exit. As they were walking though, they werent looking where they were going and on their way  out Tim crashed into a security guard and Carl crashed into Tim. Suddenly the CDs dropped straight from their jackets to the floor. Michael and John spotted what had happened so they decided to run home whilst Carl and Tim stood there frightened of what would happen to them. Within an hour Carl and Tim were sitting down the local police station with their parents who happened to be furious. Carl and Tim happened to be lucky with the outcome though; they were let of with a caution. Although their names would be on police records for five years they knew they would never steal anything again. That was a first experience theyd rather forget. Carl and Tim were in a lot of trouble with their parents but they were still able to hang around together and they became the best of friends. And as for the two that ran away, Carl and Tim never spoke to them again.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Social Issue of Excessive Drinking and Drugs-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Management of Excessive drinking and drug taking in the family. Answer: Introduction This report outlines the main concept related to the social issue of excessive drinking and drugs taking by the people and it will be explained by taking the real life case study. This report will also provide some recommendation and treatments to manage these kind of issues. These problems are growing in the country at very fast speed. There can be many reasons for the excessive alcoholism and drug problem in an individual. These reasons can be psychological, social, biological or physiological. The whole report is based on a case study that depicts how the alcohol ruin the personal as well as professional life of the human being. Also, the report focusing on the different risk criterias as well as the treatment of these problems . Case History Clara, a 57 years old woman has been in the habit of drinking alcohol for 45 years. After the death of her husband, she become addicted to it and lost her job due to non-fulfillment of her duties at work. She faced legal problems due to drinking alcohol while driving. Her children fell apart from her because of her drinking habits. She faced anxiety and depression due to this problem (Marcia, Reinaldo, Pillon, 2008). DSM-V Diagnosis Criteria Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, V states about the diagnosis of the mental disorders which happens to the individual due to the usage of particular substance e.g. Alcohol or drug etc. The importance of DSM-V lies in the fact that it makes classification of the mental disorders and laid criteria for the treatment, investigation and diagnosis of these mental disorders. The diagnostic criteria of alcohol and drug abuse is as under: Impaired control: Impaired control can be seen when there is a strong craving for the alcohol or drug and in spite of the efforts of the addicted person, he is unable to live without these substances. In the above said case Clara shows all the symptoms of craving for Alcohol. She used to drink for the psychological reasons e.g. to relieve her stress or depression. She had no control over her drinking habit (Birech, Kabiru, Misaro, Kariuki, 2013). Social harm: Social harm is a kind of substantial harm caused due to the excessive and repeated use of Alcohol or drug. The addicted person continues to use these substances in spite of the fact that he is not fulfilling his family and social obligations. Addiction can be analyzed from the fact that the addicted person is mostly involved in making arguments with another family member and lose the patience and control which a normal person has. As a result he lose the important relationship and friends. Laura feels isolated from her children. She thinks her children blame her for their fathers death. She is not enjoying a social life and get isolated from friends and family. Risk factor: The major issue of this criteria is that the person continue to use alcohol or drug in spite of the fact that it is dangerous to his life and affect the life of the persons who are attached to him e.g. friends, family etc. For example, he continues to use the drug while driving the vehicle or operating a machinery. The person continues the use of these substances causing physical and psychological problems. In this case Laura has to face legal issues due to drinking alcohol while driving. Pharmacological signs: Tolerance and Withdrawal are the signs of advanced stage of addiction. Tolerance arises when the addicted person increases the use of alcohol or drug when he does not get the desired effect. When the body of an individual developed a tolerance to a particular drug and on the cessation of that drug, the person feels illness or sickness in the body. This is called the withdrawal symptom. At this stage, medical assistance is needed. The person will be diagnosed for both substance use as well as substance withdrawal. The withdrawal from alcohol or drugs can be fatal to the body if the person is in the continuous or repeated use of these substances. In the abovesaid case Clara is facing the same issue and need to be diagnosed according to the abovesaid criteria (Matowo, 2013). Case formulation Alcoholism and drug problem is a chronic illness which is not easily identifiable on seeing someones face. Physical signs of alcohol consumption are slurred speech, clumsiness, stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, redness on the face, oversleeping and loss of consciousness. Excessive use of alcohol affect the respiratory system. The behaviour of an alcoholic is often dangerous due to which he faces legal, financial and health problems. Excessive use of alcohol and drug both has adverse effect on physical health as mental health. Intoxication and dehydration is a short term effect while changes in the metabolism of brain and liver is a long term effect. It not only effect the health life but also the personal and professional life of the individual. The most common negative effect of excessive alcoholism and drug problem is the inability to fulfil social and work related obligations, physical injury, legal problems, short term memory loss, impulsivity and relationship problems with family, friends etc. The main bad effects of alcohol on human body are that it increase the risk of heart related disease. The lever and nerve can be damaged. The risk of the cancer of mouth and throat also increases. Apart from this it affect the sexual life of a human being. It can cause impotency in a man and infertility in a woman (Guiney, 2015). Excessive alcoholism and drug addiction is such a mental state in which an individual starts depending on a particular substance which is difficult to treat. In order to overcome this addiction, the services of a mental health professional is needed. When the dependency on alcohol and drug increased, the individual reach on such a stage where he feels illness or sickness in case of sudden absence of alcohol or drug. He feels the need of alcohol or drug the whole day. An alcoholic or drug addicted always avoid the company of the non-users and likes to spend time with the users of alcohol or drug. The problem arises when he feels unable to quite these things. There can be many reasons for the excessive alcoholism and drug problem in an individual. These reasons can be psychological, social, biological or physiological. An individual starts taking alcohol or drug for the fun purpose. But it can also be taken due to the depression or financial problems. A person can be more vulnerable to addiction if there is a family history of the abuse of alcohol or drug. If a substance is more easily available, it can also increase in developing alcohol or drug problem in an individual. Apart from this when a person starts using these things on regular basis, he becomes physically dependent on alcohol or drug and he makes continuous use of this in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms (NCBI, 2017). Alcoholism can also be a genetic problem which tends to run in families. There are many people who face emotional and psychological problems and they start consuming alcohol or drug to self- medicate. In the abovesaid case Clara is facing the same situation. She is facing emotional trauma due to the death of her husband. The separation and emotional detachment with children further lay stress on her. The anxiety and depression leads her to increase the consumption of alcohol. She wants to quit this excessive consumption of alcohol but is unable to do it due to the reasons beyond her control. She is facing withdrawal symptoms. She feels illness or sickness in her body in the absence of consumption of alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms arise 4-12 hours after the stoppage or reduction of alcohol use. Symptoms of Alcohol withdrawal can be very unpleasant. Sweating in the body, insomnia, nausea, anxiety are some of the common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. In some cases alcohol withdrawal can be fatal and leads to the death of the person. This situation can be dealt with only medication and proper treatment (Siglow, 1999). Treatment, goals and planning The excessive use of alcohol and drug is a very complicated and serious issue. There are many reasons which make a person addicted to alcohol or drug. The reasons are genetic, environment, mental health etc. Treatment by chemical dependency specialist is advised in this regard. Otherwise stopping the alcohol consumption without the help of a medical practitioner can lead to the risk of life. The risk of the death of the person is increased in this case. So there is a need to prevent this disease through proper medication and treatment. The more important thing which needs to be taken care of is the support of the family. Without the support of the family, it is difficult to treat the individual as many emotional aspects are related with this disease. So it is necessary to understand the psychological condition of the individual. The individual can regain control over himself if proper treatment is given to him (Klingemann, 2001). The effects and consequences of use of excessive drug and alcohol on family are distressing. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Report 2012, In United States more than 10% children live with parents who has alcohol problem. There is a risk of mental health problems to such children e.g. depression, nervousness, low esteem, addiction etc. The parents who are addicted to alcohol or drugs are more often neglect their children and family members. The emotional detachment also comes between them. Financial problems are often increased in such families as most of the money is spent on purchasing alcohol and drug. Legal problems can also arise due to the use of drugs or alcohol or drug leading to the separation between the family members. Where the children are addicted to alcohol or drugs, the parents may feel unable to solve the issue of addiction of children. These parents can take the help of a councelor or a social worker in redressing the issue of a ddiction of their child. The best way is to keep the child away from alcohol and drugs by showing love, faith and trust. The emotional bond between a parent and child can easily overcome this disease (Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches, Inc., 2017). Alcohol and drug problem puts a lot of stress on family members. The only focus of the drug addicts is shifted on getting and taking drugs. They lie and gets involved in theft to buy alcohol or drugs. There are often fights in the family due to the usage of excessive alcohol or drugs. The reputation of the family also get affected. The whole family is affected even if one of the family member is addicted to alcohol or drugs. Timely response and treatment of the addicted person can prevent the health problems to increase and the emotional attachment between the family members can become stronger. The family play the key role in curing any kind of heath related problems including drug addiction. Family therapy is an important source of help in the process of treatment. Family therapy is an healing approach which believe in family level assessment and involvement. In family every part is interrelated. Family therapy serves two purpose. Firstly, assets and strength of the family is used to find ways to live without the use of alcohol or drug. Secondly it improve the impact of alcohol and drugs on the addicted family member. Frequent discussions and problem solving sessions help the addicted person to overcome the problem of addiction (Dodd Saggers, 2006). The main goal of family therapy helps in the prevention of addiction moving from one generation to another. A healthy family structure can deal with the problem of drug addiction effectively. Treatment of an adolescent drug addicted can decrease the risk of criminal behaviour and continued drug addiction in adults. From the medical history of Clara it appears that she need a medical detox. In-patient hospital detoxification program can help her to overcome this disease. Detoxification help the patient to withdraw the addiction of alcohol or drug slowly and safely. Second option can be taken of recovery and outpatient medical detoxification program. Both these options can help her to deal with the problem of excessive drinking of alcohol. Exercise and a nutritional diet plan can further decrease the impact of this addiction. The help of a counsellor can be taken who will give guidance to Clara about how to deal with this addiction and education about the ill effects of excessive alcohol should be given to Clara. Loss of job, loss of reputation, separation with family and the grief over the death of her husband all can induce her to commit suicide. The help of a counsellor will be beneficial at this stage to deal with the situation of depression (Copello, Velleman, Templeton, 2005) In the end, the support of the family will increase the possibility of getting rid of the addiction of excessive alcohol. The children should show support towards Clara and spend maximum time with Clara. It is also necessary that the children should make her realize that she is not responsible for the death of her husband. Excessive drinking habits was the actual reason behind the demise of her husband. She needs to get out this situation. There is a need that the emotional bond between her and children to be stronger. Only a healthy family relationship can give strength to cope with every difficult situation including alcohol or drug addiction. Conclusion As a result , the report highlights the life of Clara and her drinking habits., that is an example for others to stop taking drugs and alchol. As the Clara was suffering from many problems because of the drugs. Clara spoiled her professional, physical and personal life as a whole. The death of the husband, children avoidance, diseases and loss of jobs are the results of her excessive drugs and dinks. It is recommended that the people should not ruin their life by making these drugs and alchohol as their habits. Moreover, the whole family is affected even if one of the family member is addicted to alcohol or drugs. Timely response and treatment of the addicted person can prevent the health problems to increase and the emotional attachment between the family members can become strongerThe final outcome of these drugs is the death only. The strong family relationships are the best medicine or the treatment for these type of social issue References Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches, Inc. (2017). The Impact of Substance Abuse and Addiction on Families. Retrieved from Birech, J., Kabiru, J., Misaro, J., Kariuki, D. (2013, August). Alcohol Abuse and the Family: A Case Study of the Nandi Community of Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(15), 137-145. Retrieved from Copello, A., Velleman, R., Templeton, L. (2005, August). Family interventions in the treatment of alcohol and drug problems. Retrieved from Dodd, J., Saggers, S. (2006). The impact of drug and alcohol misuse on children and families. Cowan University. Retrieved from Guiney, E. (2015). 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