Monday, June 1, 2020

Effective Solutions to Bullying in Schools - 825 Words

Effective Solutions to Bullying in Schools (Essay Sample) Content: Name Institution Instructor Course Date Introduction In some unique cases, bullying is seen as a natural aspect of the human growing process in which children tend to tease their friends. However, that should not be a scapegoat for bullying and it should not be taken lightly for that. The effects of bullying are more than the psychological torture placed on an individual, but it has the physical and the health effects side of it. Failing to address the issue of bullying in schools can, therefore, have a far-reaching effect on the kid and affect their performance. Due to the physical torture some of the victims go through, they tend to develop low self-esteem, loss of appetite and in the worst scenario, victims develop insomnia. Parents as the major stakeholders in the school must think of addressing this issue by engaging the children in an open discussion where they get discouraged from such act by letting them know the effects bullying has on their health. Besides, both the parents and the teachers must come up with rules and regula tion that governs the act of bullying in all the learning institutions. Importantly, the school administration should create a system that rewards positive behaviors and not only condemning the poor behavior. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s easy to point out the bad things that have been done by a student, even though it is challenging to point out the good things that have been done by a student since everyone is expected to do well. However, it must be noted that pointing out good behaviors is always a good too for reinforcing the behavior. In that respect, one of the best ways to end bullying is to have the good behavior rewarded to encourage such behavior among the students. However, for the bad behavior, it is important that the teacher or the parent employs the use of a one on one feedback to create a solutionCITATION Car14 \p 35-40 \l 1033 (Carpenter and Antona 35-40). In addition to that, the creation of the school mission and a code of conduct at the school is one of the ways that can create sanity in school and uphold respect among the students. Basically, having the code of conduct at the school is a good way of creating restoration and promotion of the positive behavior at all time. In stitutions that may not have the code of conduct explained to the students, the rate at which bullying might be taking place can be highCITATION Swe09 \p 39 \l 1033 (Swearer, Espelage and Napolitano 39). It is also important to note that holding an open discussion with the children is also a good solution to end bullying in schools. Primarily, positive talks between the parents and their children play such a critical role in ensuring the studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s reform. In such discussions, the students get to understand the effects they leave on others once they are bullied and the burden the effect has both on the parents, society and the general economy of the country. Bullying can also be stopped in the schools by offering creating safe environments in the schools. Primarily, creation of these safe heavens is done by identifying some of the weak points, the minority and creating an inclusion program. Such programs ensure that the less fortunate in the community have been accounted for and taken into consideration thus discouraging the bully students from harming them. Implementation of the above solutions, however, requires a series of meetings between the parents and the teachers who are to come up with the best solutions on how to make the solutions work for the respective schools. Creating a united front of parents at school especially in fighting such activities that might touch directly on their child might prove to be a bit of a challenge. Som...

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